
3rd “Heartstrings of Singapore” Photography Competition-Photography Forum: Quietness and Liveliness of Buildings


Organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations and Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, the 3rd “Heartstrings of Singapore” Photography Competition-Photography Forum: Quietness and Liveliness of Buildings was held on 12 June at Singapore Lam Ann Association. The event received an overwhelming response with close to 170 participants. The event started at 8am. After dividing the [全文]

3rd “Heartstrings of Singapore” Photography Competition-Photography Forum: Quietness and Liveliness of Buildings2022-08-01T14:27:03+08:00

Treasures of the Clans Opening Ceremony


Jointly organised by the Singapore Federation of Clan Associations (SFCCA) and the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC), the “Treasures of the Clans” exhibition is the first of its kind in Singapore to bring together the art collections of 16 clan groups. The opening ceremony was held on June 3 (Friday) at the SCCC multi-functional auditorium, [全文]

Treasures of the Clans Opening Ceremony2022-09-01T17:03:22+08:00


SFCCA Resumes Large-Scale Physical Events After Two Years


The Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) held the Duan Wu Carnival 2022, the SFCCA Long Service Award and the Yuan Magazine 2021 Outstanding Literary Works Award Ceremony on May 22. The total number of participants exceeded 500, presenting a lively and vibrant scene. Duan Wu Carnival 2022 To celebrate the Duan Wu Festival [全文]

SFCCA Resumes Large-Scale Physical Events After Two Years2022-09-01T16:56:56+08:00


Spring Reception 2022


由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会和新加坡华族文化中心举办的“新春团拜2022”,于2月3日上午11时在线上平台Zoom举行,同时在主办单位的官方面簿页进行了直播,吸引了约1500人在线上参与。活动汇聚了本地华社代表及各族裔代表,一同在线上迎接虎年的到来,欢庆新春佳节。 嘉宾们互道吉祥语,为彼此献上新年祝福 主宾财政部长黄循财在活动中通过预录视频致辞,表扬了宗乡总会和华族文化中心在疫情期间的努力,让华社继续保持活跃,并维持紧密的联系。他也提到,接下来的财政预算案除了会继续帮助航空业和旅游业复苏,以及协助家庭应付生活费的上涨,新加坡也将探讨如何利用这个时机在后疫情时代抓住机遇,包括如何继续推动经济转型、加强社会共识和凝聚力,以及打造绿色和更具持续性的未来。 黄循财部长通过预录视频向线上的观众拜年 宗乡总会名誉会长兼华族文化中心主席蔡天宝在致辞时分享了中心在今年的五大发展方针,以便提升大家接触本土华族文化的体验,其中包括通过崭新的节目和加添无障碍设施,把丰富的节目带给更多不同需求的公众。 宗乡总会名誉会长兼华族文化中心主席蔡天宝透过预录视频致辞 另一方面,宗乡总会会长蔡其生在致辞时提到了总会在去年进行的会员团体调查,并根据调查报告的结论向宗乡总会的会员机构提出了三点建议:强化组织结构,增设青年组和妇女组;尽快设立官方网站;采用先进的科技系统保留珍贵的历史资料。他强调,做到这三点,总会与会员团体可以更加便捷地举办各项线上活动,进行数码化转型。 宗乡总会会长蔡其生致以新年祝贺 主办方也为线上的观众准备了新春特备节目,由“FENG鼓”呈现开场演出,南华潮剧社、NOOOICE街舞团和yIN Harmony也带来了精彩的表演。 “FENG鼓”乐团呈现开场表演《鼓凤:新世代》 南华潮剧社的儿童演员演出《罗城陷阵》 NOOOICE结合了街舞和武术元素的舞蹈《武松不打虎》 、由不同种族的音乐人组成的yIN Harmony融合了各民族的传统乐器,重新演绎经典新年歌曲《新年好》 出席团拜的内阁成员与国会议员包括王乙康部长、杨莉明部长、唐振辉部长、沈颖高级政务部长、孙雪玲政务部长、陈圣辉政务部长等。多位外交使节、本地会馆代表、文化与艺术团体代表,以及各族群代表也在线上出席了新春团拜。

Spring Reception 20222022-02-04T03:01:44+08:00


15th National Day Sing-along


2021年的“爱国歌曲大家唱”国庆晚会于8月7日晚上成功举行。本次活动由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会和新加坡华族文化中心联合举办,活动通过Zoom,以及宗乡总会、华族文化中心和LOVE972电台的面簿、Instagram和TikTok等平台进行直播。长达1小时30分的线上活动截至8月10日为止吸引了近3.6万人次观看,在家中一起为新加坡欢唱庆生。 今年的“爱国歌曲大家唱”邀请新传媒LOVE972 DJ 江坚文和陈粉樱担任主持人。节目一开始由MUSA音乐团体呈献用古筝、中阮和键盘乐器合奏的家喻户晓的爱国歌曲——《家》、《We Will Get There》和《Our Singapore》。主办方还在活动过程中设置5个有奖游戏环节,带动全场气氛,奖品包括礼券与线上平台节目配套,观众们踊跃参与,反响热烈。 由MUSA带给观众的开场表演 新传媒LOVE972 DJ 陈粉樱和江坚文担任主持人,带动线上活动气氛 本次活动围绕着“团结一心”的主题,主办方希望通过这些令人振奋的爱国歌曲能够让公众感受团结的力量,共抗疫情。文化、社区及青年部长兼律政部第二部长唐振辉先生也通过预录视频为晚会献词。他表示,各行各业的国人以不同方式为抗击疫情做出贡献,令人感动。国人也逐渐适应“新常态”,这些歌曲也传达了我们对新加坡的期望。希望大家能坚守信念,团结一致,迎接未来的挑战。 唐振辉部长献词 表演嘉宾郑可心、林健辉和雪榛娜拉雅兰带领观众唱着《小人物的心声》、《心连心》、《Stand up for Singapore》、《Di Tanjung Katong》、《Munnaeru Vaalibaa》等经典爱国歌曲。与此同时,Zoom平台的177位观众穿上红衣、挥动着国旗一同在线欢唱。宗乡总会属会会员、华族文化中心代表、LOVE972 电台DJ,以及一些民间团体如Indian Women's Association代表等演唱着爱国歌曲的预录视频也在欢唱环节播放着,营造出温馨的氛围。 表演者以动人嗓音带给观众耳熟能详的爱国歌曲 因受疫情影响,今年的“爱国歌曲大家唱”再次通过线上方式举行,但观众们热情不减,积极在各直播平台上参与互动环节、留言及转发视频,表达对新加坡56岁生日的衷心祝福。 有兴趣想要重温第15届“爱国歌曲大家唱”的朋友,请点击 www.facebook.com/465210310165012/videos/856604878601729 到宗乡总会面簿观看。

15th National Day Sing-along2021-09-18T13:02:27+08:00


Spring Reception 2021


Jointly organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC), the Spring Reception 2021 on 14th February 2021 was held virtually for the first time and livestreamed on both organisers' Facebook pages. Over 1,500 guests and livestream viewers came together to usher in the Year of the Ox. Guests [全文]

Spring Reception 20212021-02-16T14:34:32+08:00


14th National Day Sing-along


In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the "14th National Day Sing-along" organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC) went virtual, for the first time ever, on 8th August 2020. That evening, the hour-long event was broadcast simultaneously on SFCCA's, SCCC's and Mediacorp Radio CAPITAL958's Facebook pages, garnering [全文]

14th National Day Sing-along2020-08-20T21:31:44+08:00


Spring Reception 2020


On 27th January 2020, the third day of the first lunar month, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Chinese Culture Centre (SCCC) jointly organised Spring Reception. Apart from the performances, the dazzling array of delicacies and the various Spring Festival activities, the Guest of Honour Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr [全文]

Spring Reception 20202020-05-15T22:07:50+08:00


2019 National Day Sing-along


Over a thousand people gathered to celebrate Singapore's 54th Birthday at the "National Day Sing-along" session Mr Desmond Choo (2nd from the right) and Mr Tan Aik Hock, President of SFCCA (3rd from the right) sang the national day songs together Along with the melodious songs, 1,200 people gathered at Toa Payoh HDB Hub Mall [全文]

2019 National Day Sing-along2020-04-21T22:15:57+08:00


4th “Cultural Heritage Walk”


About 480 students participated in the 4th run of "Cultural Heritage Walk", exploring Bukit Pasoh and Chinatown On 6th July 2019,  about 480 students participated in Cultural Heritage Walk 2019, jointly organised by Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL) and and the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA). In its fourth year now, [全文]

4th “Cultural Heritage Walk”2020-04-21T22:32:39+08:00
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