
Youth Networking Session: Conversations on Singapore Women’s Development


In support of the Conversations on Singapore Women's Development launched by the Singapore government, SFCCA and the Ministry of Social and Family Development organised a Youth Networking Session on 20th March 2021 at the SFCCA Multi-Purpose Hall@Level 1 to hold discussions and dialogue on gender equality and whether we have achieved it. The networking session [全文]

Youth Networking Session: Conversations on Singapore Women’s Development2021-04-26T16:58:27+08:00


River Hongbao 2021


“春到河畔2021”移师到新场地滨海湾花园举行,同时结合了实体与虚拟元素,长达11天的活动共吸引了逾百万人次共襄盛举,其中约6万3千人到访现场参观,其余大部分人则通过线上方式参与。 今年的“春到河畔”在小年夜(2月10日)由李显龙总理主持了开幕仪式,于滨海湾花园揭开序幕。这项年度新春盛事原定为期7天,随后主办单位徇众要求多延长了4天,于2月20日落下帷幕。 李显龙总理(中)与夫人何晶(右)出席“春到河畔2021”开幕仪式,左为文化、社区及青年部长兼律政部第二部长唐振辉 在严谨的安全管理措施及人潮管控下,“春到河畔2021”现场的访客每晚通过巨型屏幕观看预录的主题之夜节目,欣赏24个巨型春节灯饰,并且参观由晚晴园——孙中山南洋纪念馆策划的“醒狮纳福迎新春:新加坡的舞狮文化”展览等。 具有新年气氛的灯饰与擎天树相映成辉 公众通过现场的大屏幕观赏预录的特备节目 文化展览展示了本地舞狮文化 在官方网站上播放的导览视频 “春到河畔”的官方网站目前已有超过 33万人次登入,而通过面簿播放的主题之夜预录节目则每晚平均达到 6万7千的观看次数。观看人次最多的节目当属两晚的“歌台之夜”,由王雷、刘心玲等约 40名本地知名歌台艺人组成的演出阵容,吸引了超过 20万次的浏览量。 另一方面,“春到河畔2021”也推出数个结合社交互动元素的有奖线上游戏和竞赛,吸引不少年轻人的参与。其中包括“金币满堂”迷你游戏、由储蓄银行(POSB)推出的“生肖猎奇”、以及主办单位首次推出的“春到河畔 TikTok 挑战”,该挑战已累计1万4千次互动。此外,供大众下载的 Instagram 和WhatsApp 贴图浏览量已超过115万次,反应热烈。 “春到河畔”的活动现场也备有“花灯祈福”筹款活动,供公众购买 LED 花灯放入蜻蜓湖,为新的一年祈愿。这项活动获得了逾30个本地社团的踊跃响应,成功筹得约15万的善款,所有的善款将分别捐献给新加坡脑性麻痹联盟(Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore)以及慈善机构彩虹俱乐部(Club Rainbow)。 访客购买LED花灯放入蜻蜓湖中,为新年祈福之余,也为慈善献力 早前在“丰树-新加坡中华总商会春到河畔编程马拉松2021”中胜出的三组优胜队伍,也在春到河畔上售卖自创商品,把收入所得的百分之七十捐作慈善用途。这群青年企业家所销售的产品包括 3D 打印商品、用环保纸盒包装的手工香皂纸片,以及 STEM(科技工数)教学材料包。 唐振辉部长(左二)走访“春到河畔编程马拉松”获奖得主 Stick ‘Em 团队(左一)的摊位,右起为宗乡总会会长兼春到河畔2021工委会主席陈奕福,以及内政部兼国家发展部政务部长费绍尔副教授 “春到河畔2021”在各单位的积极合作,以及访客对防疫工作的配合下圆满落幕!我们明年再会!

River Hongbao 20212021-02-24T10:01:53+08:00

Spring Reception 2021


Jointly organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC), the Spring Reception 2021 on 14th February 2021 was held virtually for the first time and livestreamed on both organisers' Facebook pages. Over 1,500 guests and livestream viewers came together to usher in the Year of the Ox. Guests [全文]

Spring Reception 20212021-02-16T14:34:32+08:00


Uncover the Magic of AI and its Popular Usage


Organised by SFCCA under the "New Immigrants and Singapore Society Experiential Series", the "Uncover the Magic of AI and its Popular Usage" Zoom webinar successfully concluded on 30 January 2021. The webinar was attended by 62 participant, and was broadcast live on SFCCA's Facebook page. Invited speaker, Dr. Wu Yan from Agency for Science, Technology [全文]

Uncover the Magic of AI and its Popular Usage2021-04-26T23:14:57+08:00

RHBHacks 2021


由春到河畔举办、丰树集团赞助、新加坡中华总商会支持的“春到河畔编程马拉松2021”(RHBHacks 2021)创业竞赛已于2021年1月7日在丰树商业城(Mapletree Business City)圆满举行,获奖成绩也于活动当天正式出炉。 贸工部兼文化、社区及青年部政务部长刘燕玲女士莅临“春到河畔编程马拉松2021”担任主宾 3支优胜队伍分别来自新加坡国立大学和新加坡科技设计大学组成的“E-Duo”团队、义安理工学院和共和理工学院组成的“Oreo Crush with Pearls ”,以及新加坡理工学院和诺雅初级学院组成的“Stick ‘Em ”团队。他们所开发的产品展现了崭新的创意,融入了环境可持续性及社会企业元素,成功在赛事中脱颖而出,获得2000元的现金奖以及5000元的启动资金,开发并销售各自的商品。 由新加坡国立大学和新加坡科技设计大学学生组成的“E-Duo”,为家庭园艺爱好者打造了一款可自然分解的3D印刷花盆,设计即环保又富有美感,获得了评审的一致的肯定。 丰树集团主席郑维荣先生(左起)与新加坡贸工部兼文化、社区及青年部政务部长刘燕玲女士及宗乡总会会长兼春到河畔工委会主席陈奕福先生(右一)颁发奖项给前三甲优胜组之一的“E-Duo”团队(中) 另一个获奖队伍则是义安理工学院和共和理工学院组成的“Oreo Crush with Pearls ”,他们制作的手工香皂纸片以环保纸盒包装,从内到外都提倡环保的理念获得了评审们的青睐。 “Oreo Crush with Pearls ”团队代表(左三)从主宾手中接获奖项,并与主办单位代表合影 由新加坡理工学院和诺雅初级学院学生组成的四人队伍“Stick ’Em ”,利用环保材质设计了实惠的STEM(科技工数)教学材料包,教材包括免洗筷、3D打印的连接部件,以及一个物联网盒子。这组教材包能够鼓励学生动手学习,培养理工思维,巧妙的构思使得“Stick ’Em ”团队不仅成为优胜奖得主之一,更摘下最具创新奖,成为本次赛事的双料得主。 双料得主“Stick ’Em ”团队(中)凭新颖创意取胜,与活动主宾及主办单位分享获奖喜悦   获奖学生的创意商业作品 团队:E-Duo 产品:为家庭园制艺爱好者打造制的3D打印花盆 团队:Oreo Crush with Pearls 产品:用环保纸盒包装的手工香皂纸片 团队:Stick 'Em 产品:利用环保材质设计的实惠STEM(科技工数)教学材料包,包括免洗筷、3D打印的连接部件 第三届的创业竞赛以“打造更美好的未来”(Forging a Brighter Future)为主题,让参赛者展现新加坡的“新常态精神”。本次的赛事吸引了来自11所本地和私立大专院校的学生参与,每队皆由2至5名成员组成,年龄介于18至29岁。成功晋级决赛的共有10支队伍。 在历年的赛事中,优胜队伍都会获得到春到河畔活动现场经营摊位的机会。今年因受到了疫情影响,主办单位仍在安排相关事宜,以便让优胜者在适当的安全管理措施下顺利开业。

RHBHacks 20212021-01-27T21:12:49+08:00


Singlish & Singaporean Mandarin, You Sure You Know It ~


The “Singlish & Singaporean Mandarin, You Sure You Know It ~ ” online seminar was successfully held on 26 December 2020 via video conference platform, Zoom, as part of the New Immigrants and Singapore Society Experiential Series organised by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA). It attracted a total of 87 people and [全文]

Singlish & Singaporean Mandarin, You Sure You Know It ~2023-08-01T10:53:41+08:00

8th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival: E-Sports Edition (Competitive Match)


The 8th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival - E-sports Edition organised by SFCCA's Youth Committee successfully concluded on 6th December 2020 with a competitive match, coordinated over Zoom. The match attracted a total of 90 participants, making up 16 teams. The match was also streamed live on SFCCA's Facebook page. Participants gathered for a group photo [全文]

8th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival: E-Sports Edition (Competitive Match)2020-12-10T11:08:02+08:00


8th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival: E-Sports Edition (Friendly Match)


Organised by SFCCA's Youth Committee, the 8th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival kicked off with its inaugural e-sports edition last Sunday, 15th November 2020, on Zoom. 90 participants, forming a total of 40 teams, participated in the friendly matches. SFCCA’s Youth Committee actively promotes friendly exchanges and interaction among the youth from various local associations and [全文]

8th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival: E-Sports Edition (Friendly Match)2020-11-18T18:25:34+08:00


“A Reinterpretation of the Diversity along Whampoa River Bank” Live Virtual Tour


As part of the “New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series, SFCCA organised a live virtual tour entitled “A Reinterpretation of the Diversity along Whampoa River Bank” through Zoom on 31st October 2020 (Saturday), attracting a total of 58 participants. To kick-start the event, participants took a 'group photo' Mr Steven Kor, Social Affairs Committee [全文]

“A Reinterpretation of the Diversity along Whampoa River Bank” Live Virtual Tour2020-11-29T13:09:48+08:00

Youth Networking Session Series – “Escaping the Norm” Virtual Escape Room


 90 participated in the "Escaping The Norm" Virtual Escape Room, displaying teamwork through communication Organised by SFCCA Youth Committee, "Escaping The Norm" Virtual Escape Room was held on 25th October 2020, Sunday, on Zoom, attracting a total of 90 participants which were divided into 16 teams. To promote team spirit among the youth, SFCCA Youth [全文]

Youth Networking Session Series – “Escaping the Norm” Virtual Escape Room2020-10-30T12:04:25+08:00
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