
38th Annual General Meeting


新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会(宗乡总会)于9月16日上午召开了第三十八届常年会员大会。本次的常年会员大会共有130人出席,涵盖了来自87间会员团体的代表。 87间会员团体,130人出席了第38届常年会员大会 宗乡总会会长蔡其生在致辞时感谢会员团体在过去一年里对总会的支持,使得多项活动得以成功举办。他特别感谢各个会员团体过去两个半月积极参与由宗乡总会和新加坡中华总商会发起的“饮水思源、共育贤才”乐捐活动,支持“李光耀百年树人基金”,造福年轻群体,为国家培养更多未来的栋梁。 宗乡总会会长蔡其生致辞 蔡会长总结了过去一年的工作。他指出,宗乡总会致力于培养年轻一代,宗乡总会奖学金已经有58名学生受惠,其中将近1/4的奖学金得主加入了宗乡总会的不同委员会。他也强调为了深化年轻人对宗乡团体的了解,信息数码化至关重要。因此,总会推出了一系列短视频系列和数码项目以吸引年轻人,如《新加坡秘踪》和《一家亲》短视频系列,还有“光阴的故事”虚拟历史走廊,以多种方式让年轻一代认识会馆的文化历史。 在谈到宗乡团体的未来发展时,他鼓励会员团体与总会合作或自行开展文化活动,并介绍了总会的“会馆文化活动资助金”。他还呼吁更多会员团体加入“电子管理系统”计划,以提高工作效率。 最后,蔡会长提到了最近发生的一宗涉及洗钱的案件。他慎重提醒所有会员团体加强监管,谨慎审查各项入会申请,认真维护各宗乡团体的声誉。 宗乡总会会长蔡其生(左四)与宗乡总会理事合照。左到右:副财政郑桂发、财政洪宝兴、副会长钟声坚、秘书长吴绍均、副秘书长潘家海、理事梁善源

38th Annual General Meeting2023-10-12T13:45:04+08:00


4th Dialogue Session with Leaders of Member Associations


新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会第四场会员团体交流会于11月15日(星期二)晚上圆满举行,共有106位来自37间会员团体的代表出席。 早前,宗乡总会已举办了三场会员团体交流会,共有113个会员团体、262人出席,反应踊跃。宗乡总会会长蔡其生先生表示,第四场交流会的重点是针对会馆如何更有效、全面地发展业务进行讨论。 宗乡总会会长蔡其生先生与会馆代表进行交流 交流会上,蔡其生会长重新强调了前三场交流会的讨论要点,分别为鼓励会馆成立青年团和妇女组,呼吁宗乡团体和其他社团互帮互助,以增进社会各界之间的凝聚力,以及鼓励各会馆采用“电子管理系统”,与时并进,一同转型。此外,蔡其生会长也谈到宗乡总会在社区和政府之间所扮演的重要桥梁角色,即听取民意,及时向政府反馈,比如几个月前政府曾宣布新生儿电子版出生证不再显示父母的籍贯这件事。 增龙会馆代表马俊豪(左)和新加坡客属宝树谢氏公会谢志前(右)分享各自在会馆的经验 交流会中,各会馆代表踊跃发言,讨论会馆所面临的挑战以及分享推展会务的经验。多数会馆面对招收年轻成员的挑战都有所共鸣,但仍积极寻找不同途径推动年轻成员加入会馆。新加坡惠州会馆会长萧立娟女士提出,可以推动自己身边的人,鼓励亲朋好友加入会馆。新加坡琼崖杨氏公会会长杨林春先生鼓励各会馆大胆尝试不同的活动,带来新体验,吸引更多年轻人。不少会馆也强调了设立会馆的社交媒体账号对于提高知名度的重要性。 交流会现场 第四场会员团体交流会顺利举办!

4th Dialogue Session with Leaders of Member Associations2023-03-30T14:23:02+08:00

The Community Integration – Forging Common Ground Dialogue Session


“凝聚共识 促进融合”对话会的主宾为种族和谐资源中心的主席普杰立医生(左) 由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会与种族和谐资源中心(OnePeople.sg)联办的“凝聚共识 促进融合”对话会于11月12日(星期六)进行。种族和谐资源中心的主席普杰立医生以主宾的身份出席,并与80名与会者一起探讨影响种族、国籍和宗教间关系的关键问题,有关新加坡人与移民关系的相关课题。同时,对话会也强调了跨越界线,通过分享经验增加彼此的共同点以促进融合的重要性。 “凝聚共识 促进融合”对话会活动现场 “凝聚共识 促进融合”对话会活动现场 “凝聚共识 促进融合”对话会活动现场 问答环节 普杰立医生与公众交谈 “凝聚共识,促进融合”对话会成功举办!

The Community Integration – Forging Common Ground Dialogue Session2023-03-30T14:21:03+08:00


SFCCA 37th Annual General Meeting


The 37th SFCCA Annual General Meeting was held on the 17th of September (Saturday). This is the first meeting held in person in two years. The event was attended by 179 attendees from 94 member associations. 37th Annual General Meeting During the meeting, the Federation's milestones over the past year were revisited. For instance, digital [全文]

SFCCA 37th Annual General Meeting2022-09-21T13:47:18+08:00


SFCCA 36th Annual General Meeting


Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) held its 36th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and concluded the second stage of its 17th Council Election on 11th September 2021. Following last year's AGM, this is the second time SFCCA held a hybrid AGM, attended by around 140 attendees. In attendance onsite were SFCCA President Mr Tan [全文]

SFCCA 36th Annual General Meeting2021-09-18T12:56:14+08:00


SFCCA 35th Annual General Meeting


For the first time in SFCCA's 35-year-long history, a hybrid (physical + virtual) Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 12th September 2020, with close to 120 member associations' representatives in attendance. Amongst the 16th Council members at the physical AGM were SFCCA President Mr Tan Aik Hock, Secretary-General Mr Perng Peck Seng, Treasurer Mr [全文]

SFCCA 35th Annual General Meeting2020-09-21T22:02:32+08:00


SFCCA 34th Annual General Meeting


Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Association (SFCCA)'s 34th Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on Saturday, 14th September 2019 at the SFCCA Auditorium Hall, to encapsulate SFCCA's achievements for the past year. Over 170 representatives and members from 83 clan associations attended the AGM. This is also the first plenary session led by the SFCCA President, [全文]

SFCCA 34th Annual General Meeting2020-04-19T12:40:16+08:00


SFCCA 33rd Annual General Meeting


Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) held its 33rd Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 15th September 2018, at the SFCCA Multi-Purpose Hall @ Level 1, to encapsulate SFCCA’s achievements for the past year as well as concluded the second stage of its 16th Council election. 176 attended the AGM from 77 clan associations’ representatives and members. [全文]

SFCCA 33rd Annual General Meeting2021-11-04T19:52:32+08:00


SFCCA 32nd Annual General Meeting


Over 100 representatives attended the AGM this year Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Association’s 32nd Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday, 16th September 2017, at the SFCCA Auditorium Hall, to encapsulate SFCCA’s achievements for the past year. Over 166 from over 90 clan associations’ representatives and members attended the AGM. SFCCA’s council  members at [全文]

SFCCA 32nd Annual General Meeting2020-04-19T18:43:47+08:00


SFCCA 31st Annual General Meeting


The 31st Annual General Meeting (AGM) successfully concluded on 17th September 2016 at SFCCA's premises, with a detailed wrap up of SFCCA's  activities in the past year. Close to 200 representatives of 107 of SFCCA's member associations attended the AGM.

SFCCA 31st Annual General Meeting2020-04-19T19:04:07+08:00
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