
Dialogue with Leaders of Member Associations


Organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA), the "Dialogue with Leaders of Member Associations” was held on  at Nanyang Pho Leng Hui Kuan, Nanyang Hakka Federation and Singapore Foochow Association on May 24, June 7 and June 9 respectively. A total of 113 member associations with 262 attendees attended the three dialogues. The [全文]

Dialogue with Leaders of Member Associations2023-04-27T17:23:45+08:00

Treasures of the Clans Opening Ceremony


Jointly organised by the Singapore Federation of Clan Associations (SFCCA) and the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC), the “Treasures of the Clans” exhibition is the first of its kind in Singapore to bring together the art collections of 16 clan groups. The opening ceremony was held on June 3 (Friday) at the SCCC multi-functional auditorium, [全文]

Treasures of the Clans Opening Ceremony2022-09-01T17:03:22+08:00


SFCCA Youth Interest Group: Virtual Escape Room


To strengthen the connection between youths, SFCCA creates various Youth Interest Groups to provide a platform for the youths to learn about the Chinese communities and attract them to participate in activities relating to culture and clan associations. Organised by SFCCA, the Youth Interest Group: Virtual Escape Room was held on 28 May (Satuday) from [全文]

SFCCA Youth Interest Group: Virtual Escape Room2022-07-30T18:14:46+08:00

SFCCA Resumes Large-Scale Physical Events After Two Years


The Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) held the Duan Wu Carnival 2022, the SFCCA Long Service Award and the Yuan Magazine 2021 Outstanding Literary Works Award Ceremony on May 22. The total number of participants exceeded 500, presenting a lively and vibrant scene. Duan Wu Carnival 2022 To celebrate the Duan Wu Festival [全文]

SFCCA Resumes Large-Scale Physical Events After Two Years2022-09-01T16:56:56+08:00

Project C.A.R.E. 2022


With the slowdown of the spread of Covid-19 and the relaxation of preventive measures, the "Project C.A.R.E. 2022", jointly organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), resumed its physical outdoor activities. This year, the program was held over five days between May 20 and May 27, [全文]

Project C.A.R.E. 20222022-09-01T16:46:56+08:00

SFCCA Scholars Network (SSN): Studying in China Universities-Perspective from SFCCA Scholars


(From left to right) Scholarship recipients Lim Ying Hui, Loy Wei Peng and Ng Joong Hwee were invited to share their experiences in China. Co-Chairman of the SFCCA Scholars Network, Jason Boey, moderated the event. On May 14, 2:00 p.m., the SFCCA scholarship recipients hosted the "Studying In China Universities-Perspective From SFCCA Scholars" [全文]

SFCCA Scholars Network (SSN): Studying in China Universities-Perspective from SFCCA Scholars2022-09-01T16:41:49+08:00


New Immigrants and Singapore Society Experiential Series: “Global Developments Affecting Singapore” Dialogue Session


SFCCA held a closed-door dialogue session on “Global Developments Affecting Singapore” on 25th April 2022 (Monday), 7.30pm, at the SFCCA Multi-Purpose Hall@Level 1. The dialogue session was also SFCCA’s first exclusively offline major event since the beginning of the pandemic. Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Mr Teo Chee Hean was the Guest-of-Honour, [全文]

New Immigrants and Singapore Society Experiential Series: “Global Developments Affecting Singapore” Dialogue Session2022-08-16T10:22:11+08:00


Youth Seminar Series [Follow-Up Conversations on Singapore Women’s Development]


Long series of talks and discussions with community groups finally leads up to the release of the White Paper on Singapore Women’s Development on 28th March 2022. Action plans of the White Paper are geared towards the goal of gender equality and at the same time, encourage women to freely pursue goals and careers while [全文]

Youth Seminar Series [Follow-Up Conversations on Singapore Women’s Development]2022-04-06T10:45:32+08:00

SSN Features [Part 1]


对自己的升学规划感到迷茫?该出国留学或是留在本地求学?不妨看看宗乡总会奖学金得主们在中国留学的经验分享,以及他们为何选择宗乡总会奖学金吧! 刘庭芝 清华大学毕业生,现为星华木兰资本高级投资经理以及非盈利组织Next Gen Investors Endowment董事 <向左滑动,查看更多> 黄丽晶 复旦大学大四学生,攻读汉语言文学 <向左滑动,查看更多> 黎伟鹏清华大学大三学生,攻读经济与金融 <向左滑动,查看更多> 林映慧 复旦大学大四学生,攻读广播电视 [全文]

SSN Features [Part 1]2022-03-16T23:25:14+08:00


River Hongbao 2022


“春到河畔2022”从1月30日起在滨海湾花园举行,与公众一同欢庆壬寅虎年,为期8天的活动于2月6日落下帷幕, 成功吸引了约7万5000人到访活动现场。 李显龙总理(中)与夫人何晶(右二)在交通部高级政务次长马炎庆(左一),文化、社区及青年部长兼律政部第二部长唐振辉(左二),以及宗乡总会会长兼春到河畔2022工委会主席蔡其生(右一)的陪同下出席了开幕仪式 李显龙总理在小年夜当晚莅临了“春到河畔”,为这项盛大的春节活动主持了开幕仪式。现场的活动包括由众多本地艺术团体和艺人呈现的“主题之夜”现场表演、多达30个设计精美的巨型花灯、展示年画艺术的《春风年画总关情》特展,以及适合一家大小玩乐的游乐设施等。 每晚不同主题的现场表演深受公众喜爱 不少家庭在精美的巨型花灯前合影留念 擎天树丛上演的花园狂想曲灯光秀,与18米高的财神爷相映成辉 《春风年画总关情》展览展示了年画艺术 “春到河畔”现场备有阖家同欢的游乐设施 “春到河畔2022”结合了实体与线上模式进行,其中在面簿页上同步直播的舞台表演平均每晚吸引了超过9万人次观看,而观看次数最高的是2月3日的“歌台之夜”,由多名本地知名歌台艺人组成的表演阵容吸引了超过19万的观看次数。 除此之外,“春到河畔2022”在社交媒体上推出的挑战和竞赛也深受年轻人的喜爱,当中TikTok“招财舞挑战”至今已累计了25万人观看视频和参与互动,反应热烈。 在这新年期间,“春到河畔”结合了大众的力量来回馈社会,现场备有“花灯祈福”筹款活动,供公众购买LED花灯放入蜻蜓湖祈福许愿。逾30个宗乡团体和社团组织捐出了近8万5000元的善款来支持这项活动,所得的收益将分别捐给嘉诺撒儿童与社区服务中心(Canossaville Children and Community Services)以及轻安村慈善与教育基金(Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation)。 公众购买的花灯可放入湖水中许愿,所得款项作为慈善用途 在“丰树–新加坡中华总商会春到河畔编程马拉松”(RHBHacks 2022)创业竞赛中脱颖而出的三支队伍也在“春到河畔”贩售自创商品,他们将把净收入的百分之七十捐给公益机构。这群青年企业家销售的产品包括用咖啡渣制成的实用物品、经改造的时装,以及“盲盒”配件等。 李显龙总理(右二)在宗乡总会会长兼春到河畔2022工委会主席蔡其生(左三)的陪同下走访“春到河畔编程马拉松”获奖得主Cofeco团队的摊位 “春到河畔2022”在各单位和访客的支持与合作下圆满落幕!非常感谢大家的支持,我们明年再见! 关于春到河畔 自1987年举办以来,这项由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会、新加坡中华总商会、新报业媒体信托华文媒体集团、新加坡旅游局及人民协会联合主办的盛大春节活动,已成为新加坡人庆祝农历新年不可或缺的一部分。欲了解更多详情,请浏览 www.riverhongbao.sg 以及www.facebook.com/riverhongbaosg。

River Hongbao 20222022-03-31T12:32:57+08:00
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