On 6 August, 360 students from 14 secondary schools participated in the “Cultural Heritage Walk 2022” online event, jointly organised by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL). Entering its fifth year, “Cultural Heritage Walk” was held online for the first time after a two-year hiatus. Apart from the online visit to the SFCCA and the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC), students also explored landmarks in the Chinatown and Bukit Pasoh area, such as the Singapore Kong Chow Wui Koon, the Thian Hock Keng Temple and the Sri Mariamman Temple, thereby deepen their understanding of local history and culture. Ms. Gan Siow Huang, Minister of State for Education & Manpower and Chairperson of the CPCLL, also joined the event as the Guest of Honour.

In her speech, Ms. Gan said that Chinatown and Bukit Pasoh were the heart of Singapore’s early development and were scenic spots with multi-racial and multi-cultural characteristics, and hoped that the students would develop a greater interest in Chinese history and local culture after increasing their knowledge of the cultural landmarks in this area.

In his speech, Mr. Chua Kee Seng Thomas, President of the SFCCA, revealed that from 2016 to 2019, nearly 1,700 students and volunteers have participated in this activity, which is an important driving force to continue hosting the cultural heritage walk.

He also said that in order to achieve the goal of promoting social harmony and development, we cannot rely solely on individual strength, but need to work together as a nation. He also encouraged students to share their knowledge and experiences with their families and friends, to contribute to the promotion of local multiculturalism and social cohesion.

The 5th “Cultural Heritage Walk” online event was a great success!