
Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations and Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Ring in the Year of the Snake at Spring Reception 2025


hhh Around 900 guests gathered to usher in the Year of the Snake at the Spring Reception 2025, an annual celebration jointly organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC). The occasion was attended by Guest-of-Honour Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong and joined by distinguished members of the Cabinet and [全文]

Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations and Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Ring in the Year of the Snake at Spring Reception 20252025-02-11T13:38:57+08:00

Welcoming the New Year: SFCCA Volunteers Bring Warmth and Festive Blessings to Nursing Home Residents


新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会(宗乡总会)于1月12日在安老协会(Society for the Aged Sick)举办了一场温馨春节义工活动。本次活动旨在通过鼓励本地与外籍人士共同参与志愿服务,促进社会融合,并为疗养院的年长居民带来节日的喜悦与温暖。活动吸引了约45名义工参与,其中包括会馆成员、新移民与外籍志愿者。通过义工的热情参与,大家齐聚一堂,与年长者共度了一个其乐融融的下午。 年长人士沉浸在宗乡总会为他们精心策划的节目当中 义工与年长者携手制作春节装饰品,不仅拉近了彼此的距离,也为疗养院增添了浓浓的节日气息和春意盎然的氛围。 今年,宗乡总会也特别为年长人士策划了一场表演,节目包括新年歌曲、舞蹈表演以及传统舞狮。整个下午欢声笑语不断,年长者深受感染,沉浸于热闹的辞旧迎新气氛中。活动尾声,大家一起共享晚餐,促进交流与理解。 新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会社会事务委员会主任陈展鹏先生(右)为每位年长人士分发礼袋 与此同时,宗乡总会还为每位年长人士准备了柑橘和实用的浴巾作为赠礼,寓意吉祥温暖的新一年。为了感谢疗养院工作人员的辛勤付出,总会特别赠送便携式小风扇,以表达诚挚的敬意。 自2022年起,宗乡总会每年举办义工活动,促进社会融合。每一年,宗乡总会都会针对不同群体设计活动内容。2022年的活动以孩童为目标,2023年则关注青少年女孩,而这次的活动则聚焦于年长人士。 宗乡总会社会事务委员会主任陈展鹏先生在活动中表示, “在这次活动中,宗乡总会精心设计了各种互动环节,例如与年长人士共同制作春节装饰品和参与宾果游戏,这不仅增进了义工们和年长人士之间的交流,年长人士在动手和思考过程中,也能够保持身心活跃。我们希望借助这样的活动形式,进一步推动志愿精神,鼓励更多人加入关怀社会的行列,促进社会和谐。” 。 年长人士尽情享受欢乐时光 此次活动得到了参与者的一致好评,充分展示了义工活动的社会意义。宗乡总会将为更多不同群体提供支持,并通过志愿服务注入社会正能量,推动社会各界共同创造美好的未来。活动也获得了国民融合理事会、宗乡基金与文化捐献配对基金的鼎力支持。 新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会社会事务委员会主任陈展鹏先生(右)与安老协会首席执行官郭垂群先生(左)手持舞狮献上的采青盘,与义工及年长人士合影,共庆新春,度过一个充满欢乐的下午

Welcoming the New Year: SFCCA Volunteers Bring Warmth and Festive Blessings to Nursing Home Residents2025-01-22T16:39:58+08:00

Usher in the Year of the Snake at River Hongbao 2025 in conjunction to commemorate SG60!


River Hongbao is back for its 39th edition, promising a spectacular celebration to welcome the Year of the Snake. As one of Singapore’s most beloved and long-standing Chinese New Year traditions, this mega scale, iconic event continues to captivate with its vibrant blend of culture, history, and festivities. Running for 10 days from 27 January [全文]

Usher in the Year of the Snake at River Hongbao 2025 in conjunction to commemorate SG60!2025-01-10T09:24:30+08:00


Youths Innovate for Social Good at River Hongbao Hackathon 2025


To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Singapore's independence (SG60) and to usher in the Year of the Snake, River Hongbao 2025 at Gardens by the Bay will feature innovative products that emerged as solutions to social challenges. These solutions were developed by young innovators who triumphed at the Mapletree-SCCCI River Hongbao Hackathon (RHBHacks) 2025. Themed [全文]

Youths Innovate for Social Good at River Hongbao Hackathon 20252024-12-19T17:23:02+08:00


Welcome Dinner in Honour of Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Lawrence Wong co-organized by SFCCA & SCCCI


On the evening of 29 November , 2024, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) jointly held a grand gala dinner at the Hilton Singapore Orchard, themed "精诚携手,共拓新". The event warmly welcomed Singapore's Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Lawrence Wong. Over 800 guests, primarily from [全文]

Welcome Dinner in Honour of Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Lawrence Wong co-organized by SFCCA & SCCCI2024-12-18T11:21:25+08:00

12th Zong Xiang Cup National Xiangqi Competition Showcases Youthful Mastery of Tradition


On 17 November, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Xiangqi General Association jointly organised the 12th Zong Xiang Cup National Xiangqi Competition. This aims to promote Chinese culture and Xiangqi as well as increase the understanding and passion of traditional culture among youths. The competition attracted 165 participants across the island– the [全文]

12th Zong Xiang Cup National Xiangqi Competition Showcases Youthful Mastery of Tradition2025-01-17T15:42:27+08:00

SFCCA’s First Archery Networking Event: A Unique Experience for Youths to Connect and Explore the Sport


On Saturday, 16 November, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) successfully organised its inaugural archery networking event, attracting 66 youths from different professions to participate. As one of the events of the 12th Youth Sports Festival, this event is jointly planned by the organising committee and the Youth Interest Group and it aims to [全文]

SFCCA’s First Archery Networking Event: A Unique Experience for Youths to Connect and Explore the Sport2025-01-17T16:15:48+08:00


12th Youth Sports Festival Concluded Successfully with 20% increase in participating teams


On the evening of 27 October, the 12th Youth Sports Festival organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) has successfully concluded. Mr Saktiandi Supaat, Member of Parliament of Bishan – Toa Payoh GRC was the Guest of Honour for this year’s closing ceremony and hosted the award ceremony.    Mr Saktiandi Supaat, [全文]

12th Youth Sports Festival Concluded Successfully with 20% increase in participating teams2025-01-17T15:28:27+08:00

“AI in Everyday Life” Seminar: A Deep Dive into Its Present and Future Impact


10月26日,由宗乡总会主办的 “AI走进生活” 讲座成功举行,吸引了近100位观众参与。本次讲座围绕人工智能 (AI) 在日常生活和各行各业的应用展开,涵盖了从医疗到教育等多个领域,探讨了AI的现状、发展前景与潜在风险。 曾宪庭博士进行讲解,帮助观众更深入理解AI的运作 曾宪庭博士介绍了AI的应用与潜力。他解释了AI的运作原理,同时还探讨了AI在日常生活、医疗保健、教育等领域中的具体应用。此外,曾宪庭博士也分享在使用AI应用时应重视的问题,包括数据隐私、虚假信息传播等。 蔡荔先生发表精彩演讲,帮助公众更深入理解AI的广泛影响 蔡荔先生则聚焦于“AI时代的挑战与机遇”,深入探讨了当前AI技术的发展趋势及其对各行各业的影响。同时,蔡荔先生还分享了当下最常用的AI工具,为观众在工作中如何高效应用AI提供了实用建议。 嘉宾正在解答观众的提问 通过问答环节,观众逐步了解到AI的实际用途及其带来的便利,了解如何在日常生活中受益于AI的应用。此外,嘉宾还建议观众从简单的AI应用入手,通过持续实践逐步提升技能,以更好地应对AI时代的挑战,适应未来科技带来的变化与机遇。 “AI走进生活”讲座圆满结束,收获颇多! 整场讲座亮点不断、干货满满,让观众收获颇丰。AI带来的新机会与挑战,引发了人们对未来生活方式的思考。此次讲座帮助观众了解前沿技术,共同探讨AI带来的无限可能。

“AI in Everyday Life” Seminar: A Deep Dive into Its Present and Future Impact2024-11-18T15:07:22+08:00

Cultural Heritage Walk 2024: Close to 400 Students Explored Singapore’s Cultural Landmarks


10月19日,牛车水广场迎来了第七届 “走出校园·走进文化” 活动。这次由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会与推广华文学习委员会联合举办的活动吸引了约400名来自13所中学的学生,带领学生们走出课堂,近距离接触新加坡丰富的多元文化遗产。作为主宾,教育部兼人力部政务部长及推广华文学习委员会主席颜晓芳也亲临现场,与学生们一同体验这一场文化之旅。 第七届“走出校园·走进文化”吸引了约400名学生参与 教育部兼人力部政务部长及推广华文学习委员会主席颜晓芳与学生们互动 今年活动安排了共12个所文化机构鼓励学生了解本地的风土人情和历史演变,其中包括:北京同仁堂、新加坡鹤山会馆、茶渊等。主办方还特邀了非华族伙伴詹美回教堂(Masjid Jamae)和拉延西迪维那雅加兴都庙(Sri Layan Sithi Vinayagar Temple)参与,让学生深入了解其他族群的文化,充分感受新加坡多元文化的独特魅力。 冈州会馆的专业人员带领学生们学习粤剧舞步,感受戏曲之美 学生们在湘灵音乐社亲身体验打快板,感受传统曲艺的魅力 义工导览员——义安理工学院中文系B2小组合照 除了探索丰富的文化历史,“走出校园·走进文化”活动也希望激发学生们对学习华文的热情。宗乡总会会长蔡其生在致辞中强调,此次活动将华语作为主要交流语言,旨在让学生们沉浸于轻快的氛围中体会母语的魅力。蔡会长鼓励大家通过参与丰富多彩的文化活动,感受华文在生活中的实际应用,发现学习华文的乐趣与价值。 宗乡总会会长蔡其生在活动上致辞 同样,颜晓芳部长兼主席表示,此次活动不仅让学生们走进了不同族群的宗教场所,深入了解各籍贯的文化与历史,还在潜移默化中增强了学生们对多元文化的认知与包容。此外,活动也为学生们提供了更多使用华文华语的机会,进一步提升了他们对语言与文化的兴趣。 教育部兼人力部政务部长及推广华文学习委员会主席颜晓芳女士在活动上致辞 参与活动的学生们在这次丰富多彩的文化之旅中,收获了无数灵感与回忆。这次活动不仅是一次学习的机会,更是一场心灵的碰撞,让不同背景的学生们在文化的交融中找到共鸣。宗乡总会将在未来策划更多引人入胜的活动,为年轻一代打开更广阔的文化视野,激发他们传承与创新文化的热情。

Cultural Heritage Walk 2024: Close to 400 Students Explored Singapore’s Cultural Landmarks2024-10-28T09:46:04+08:00
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