
Unraveling the 19th Century Singapore with the “A Description of Singapore in 1887: The Annotated Edition”


  5月10日(星期五),由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会(宗乡总会)和马来西亚新纪元大学学院联合出版的《新嘉坡风土记校释》,在国家图书馆大厦16楼观景阁举行了新书发布会,吸引了近120位公众出席。国家文物局局长章慧霓女士莅临现场并主持了新书发布仪式。 《新嘉坡风土记》出版于1895年,记载了清末上海名仕李钟珏旅新时的观察,包括地理、政治、民生、文化和风俗。原书珍藏于新加坡国家图书馆缮本珍藏部。《新嘉坡风土记校释》由宗乡总会学术委员会主任柯木林,及新纪元大学学院中文系副教授廖文辉博士编注,以白话文和英文呈现,旨在让更广泛的读者了解新加坡华人社群早期的生活、言语面貌。   国家文物局局长章慧霓致辞中表示,历史遗迹、文化习俗形成我国丰富多彩的文化遗产,通过追溯历史,年轻一代的新加坡人能够更好地认识文化根源 ,实现中华美德跨越时空的传承。   宗乡总会副会长钟声坚在致辞中表示,《新嘉坡风土记》是研究东南亚史海外华人史的重要典籍,再版以白话文与英文增加通俗易懂性,鼓励更多、更广泛的读者对文史的兴趣。   宗乡总会副会长钟声坚在致辞中提到,未来将继续挖掘具有参考价值的历史文献,推进新马历史研究。   廖文辉特意对柯木林致谢,并对柯木林在文化事业奋斗不息的精神感到鼓舞。   柯木林(左)和廖文辉(右)虽然典校的过程中屡屡纠结不已,但苦中作乐,别有意义。   柯木林谈到了书中的三个亮点:繁体变简体,并加上标点符号和横向排版;古文译为白话文,并加上英文翻译;根据书中所描述的场景,查找历史图片并到现场拍摄,进行今昔对比,也将百年前所记录的地名街道、峇峇语言、民间俚语等做了注释,适应现代读者的阅读习惯。 柯木林提到,在欢迎中国游客到来的同时,希望中新两国人民都能从书籍中体会到思古之幽情。   问答环节中,公众问及柯木林校注本书时最大的感慨。他说,新加坡在过去一百多年里发展神速。他颇为唏嘘地说:“如果新加坡人不研究自己的历史,以后就要到国外找资料了。”   To Pre-order "A Description Of Singapore in 1887: The Annotated Edition", please click the link below: https://sfcca.sg/en/fengtuji/ 观看新书发布会的精彩片段 https://youtu.be/5Uj0-Q0yLFw

Unraveling the 19th Century Singapore with the “A Description of Singapore in 1887: The Annotated Edition”2024-06-06T17:59:50+08:00


“Singapore Chinese: Then and Now” Virtual History Gallery


SFCCA has launched “Singapore Chinese: Then and Now” Virtual History Gallery. The rich history of the Chinese community is presented in seven galleries. These include the early lives of Chinese settlers, how they planted their roots, Chinese Festivals, and traditions: the development of the Chinese community, and the contributions of SFCCA and clan associations, and [全文]

“Singapore Chinese: Then and Now” Virtual History Gallery2022-09-26T09:12:01+08:00


“Collection of Chinese Documents in the Straits Settlements” (Special Edition) – Book Launch


由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会(宗乡总会)和马来西亚新纪元大学学院联合出版的《三州府文件修集选编》于2021年9月26日在国家图书馆大厦16楼观景阁举行了新书发布会,国家文物局局长章慧霓女士莅临现场主持了新书发布仪式。 左起:编注柯木林先生、宗乡总会会长蔡其生先生、国家文物局局长章慧霓女士和国家图书馆管理局总裁黄子鹏先生一同出席发布会 宗乡总会新任会长蔡其生在致辞中表示,这本书的出版是配合宗乡总会35周年庆,同时也创下了3个“首次”记录。他说,《三州府文件修集选编》是宗乡总会首次将超过百年历史的古籍缮本重新编注出版。其次,这本书是宗乡总会首次与马来西亚大专学府合作出版的史册,也是总会与新纪元大学学院于2018年签署了“学术交流合作备忘录”后的首个合作项目。第三,《三州府文件修集选编》的新书发布会通过宗乡总会的面簿页面进行直播,是总会首次以线上线下相结合的方式举行新书发布会。 《三州府文件修集选编》是宗乡总会与新纪元大学学院为学术研究共同努力的成果。蔡其生会长表示今后也会开展更多的合作研究,以构建学术交流的桥梁。 宗乡总会会长蔡其生先生为发布会致辞 国家文物局局长章慧霓女士在致辞时谈到了新加坡的历史与文化重要性,尤其是在瞬息万变的时代,文化遗产有着更深层的意义。新加坡丰富多彩的文化遗产是先辈从各自家乡带来的不同文化交织而成的。她表示绝大部分的先辈故事还有待发掘,并且只有通过历史研究,才能发现这些鲜为人知的故事。 而《三州府文件修集选编》就填补了历史的空白,并加深了民众对历史的认知和理解。这本重新注解与编注的书籍,以新的面貌与视角来呈现历史的知识,秉持着让读者更全面了解历史,向那些为新加坡奉献和牺牲的先辈们致敬的宗旨。章慧霓女士表示这是十分值得鼓励的。 最后她也呼吁保护与推广文化遗产的工作,表示这段属于新加坡的故事是值得传承下去的。 国家文物局局长章慧霓女士致辞 《三州府文件修集选编》是由宗乡总会学术委员会主任兼本地著名历史学者柯木林,以及新纪元大学学院中文系副教授暨东南亚学系主任廖文辉博士编注。这本书也是柯木林在2019年获颁新加坡华族文化中心的“新加坡华族文化贡献奖”(个人奖)后,以所得的一万元奖金作为此书的部分出版经费。 柯木林在介绍《三州府文件修集选编》时透露,原著《三州府文件修集》是殖民政府培训公务员的华文读本,于1894年在新加坡出版,现珍藏于新加坡国家图书馆缮本珍藏部。新编注的版本摘录了其中162篇与早期新马华人社会有关的文件,其内容记录着19世纪的新马华人底层社会样貌,是一部史料丰富的“宝典”。他也提到,新编注的版本依旧保留了文言文,但将原书的繁体字改为简体,附加标点符号,并以横向编排,让整体更容易阅读。另外,这本书也将百年前所记录的地名街道、峇峇语言、民间俚语等做了注释,让读者更清楚内容的含义。 编注柯木林先生为《三州府文件修集选编》做介绍 《三州府文件修集选编》现已出售,平装版售价为38元,精装版为48元。有兴趣购买《三州府文件修集选编》的朋友,请点击 www.sfcca.sg/en/sanzhoufu/ 了解详情。 如有任何疑问,欢迎联系宗乡总会秘书处施佩吟: 电话:6643 6479 电邮:seepeiyin@sfcca.sg

“Collection of Chinese Documents in the Straits Settlements” (Special Edition) – Book Launch2021-09-30T19:13:12+08:00


Transcending the Century: The Chinese Community, its Organisations and the Press


Jointly organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) Research Committee and Chinese Heritage Centre, "Transcending the Century: The Chinese Community, its Organisations and the Press" was successfully held on 22nd September 2019 at The Pod @ National Library, attracting close to 130 participants. Close to 130 members of the public attended the informative [全文]

Transcending the Century: The Chinese Community, its Organisations and the Press2020-04-22T03:22:30+08:00


“A General History of the Chinese in Singapore” English Edition


Now Published: English Edition of"A General History of the Chinese in Singapore"  After three years of preparation, the English edition of "A General History of the Chinese in Singapore", co-published by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd, is available for purchase with effect from 24th June 2019. [全文]

“A General History of the Chinese in Singapore” English Edition2020-04-22T03:38:40+08:00

Launch of “A General History of the Chinese in Singapore”


Book Launch: English Edition of "A General History of the Chinese in Singapore" The English edition of "A General History of the Chinese in Singapore" was launched by Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for National Development Mr Desmond Lee on 24 June 2019 (Monday), 7pm, at Fort Canning Centre's Black Box. [全文]

Launch of “A General History of the Chinese in Singapore”2020-04-22T03:32:53+08:00


“Singapore’s 700 Years Through Artefacts Unearthed” Talk


“Singapore's 700 Years through Artefacts Unearthed” Talk Attracted 113 People to explore Singapore's History Jointly organised by the Research Committee of Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC), "Singapore's 700 Years through Artefacts Unearthed" Talk was successfully held on 20th April 2019 at SCCC's Concert Hall, attracting a total [全文]

“Singapore’s 700 Years Through Artefacts Unearthed” Talk2020-04-22T09:58:31+08:00


“Accumulated Distrust: An Archival Analysis of the Diplomatic Tussle between Britain and China” Seminar


Organised by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA), and co-organised by Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, “Accumulated Distrust: An Archival Analysis of the Diplomatic Tussle between Britain and China (1877-1900)” Seminar took place at Zhong Sheng Jian Recital Studio in Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Sunday, 26th August 2018. The seminar attracted over 100 attendees. [全文]

“Accumulated Distrust: An Archival Analysis of the Diplomatic Tussle between Britain and China” Seminar2020-04-22T10:10:28+08:00


“The Four Historical Cemeteries in the Early Days of Singapore” Seminar


SFCCA organised a seminar "The four historical cemeteries in the early days of Singapore" on 9th September 2017 at Library@Chinatown, to share with members of public about the history and modern significance of the four cemeteries in Singapore. The event received enthusiastic response with nearly 100 people in the audience. Nearly 100 people attended the [全文]

“The Four Historical Cemeteries in the Early Days of Singapore” Seminar2020-04-22T10:41:17+08:00


“Early Scholar Administrator in Singapore” Seminar


"Early Scholar Administrator in Singapore" Seminar was held at the SCCC Recital Studio on 20th May 2017 morning. Malaysia's New Era University College,Department of Chinese Senior Lecturer Professor Lew Bon Hoi and Mr Kua Bak Lim, SFCCA Research Committee Chairman gave an enriching seminar about the identity and role of the early scholar administrators played, [全文]

“Early Scholar Administrator in Singapore” Seminar2020-04-22T10:55:20+08:00
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