
“My Singapore New Norm” Micro Film Competition Workshops


配合“我的新加坡新常态”微电影大赛而举办的最后两场工作坊,已分别于2021年10月9日和10月16日圆满举行。 10月9日的中文工作坊参与者合影截图 10月16日的英文工作坊参与者合影截图 10月9日的中文工作坊导师为本地监制洪益兴,他曾从事纪录片的编导工作,曾为国家地理频道执导两部得奖作品:《中国行走学校》和《监狱拳击风云》。洪益兴在工作坊中分享了创作与剧本开发的技巧,同时也在活动上播放了8分钟的微电影《外卖》,教导参与者如何通过镜头说故事。 洪益兴在活动上播放微电影,并和出席者进行讨论 洪益兴分析了微电影的内容与架构,以及介绍如何通过镜头构图来“说故事”,让出席者更加理解其中所应用的理论知识和拍摄技巧。 所谓“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,想要拍好一部微电影,拍摄器材和剪辑软件是十分重要的。洪益兴在工作坊中也介绍了简易的拍摄器材,并推荐了几个剪辑软件供参考,让参与者获益良多。 最后一场的工作坊以英语进行,再次邀请了著名编剧兼导演巫培双分享拍摄微电影的流程和诀窍,以及如何撰写剧本。巫培双拥有超过20年的影视制作经验,其代表作包括《敢敢做个开心人》、《小孩不笨》和《我在政府部门的日子》等。 巫培双在活动上播放了多个影视片段,并分析其中的基础元素,增加参与者对微电影制作的理解。此外,他也建议以不同的镜头角度来呈现故事情节,并强调要排除多余的镜头,使内容达到短小精悍,创作出简洁有力的微电影。 巫培双导演为参与者讲解理论知识 巫培双导演着重讲解了镜头的作用 你是否也想尝试拍一部与众不同的微电影作品呢?机会来了!由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会、新加坡华族文化中心和《联合早报》携手举办的“我的新加坡新常态”微电影大赛,诚邀公众运用影像分享对于新常态的观察、认知和感悟,借此展示新加坡人坚韧不拔、乐观进取和积极应变的态度。 “我的新加坡新常态”微电影大赛现公开报名至今年12月20日,作品呈交截止日期为2022年2月1日,总值近3万元的丰厚奖金等待赢取,赶快行动吧! 有意参赛的朋友请点击 www.sfcca.sg/en/microfilm2021 到宗乡总会网站了解更多详情。 如有任何疑问,欢迎联系宗乡总会张镜(电话:6643 6479; 电邮:abbyzhang@sfcca.sg)

“My Singapore New Norm” Micro Film Competition Workshops2021-10-21T05:47:40+08:00


News Immigrants & Singapore Society Experiential Series – “National Service: What You Need to Know” Online Sharing Session


To allow for the public to better understand National Service, SFCCA organised the News Immigrants & Singapore Society Experiential Series – "National Service: What You Need to Know" Online Sharing Session on 25th September 2021. This Zoom sharing session was supported by National Integration Council, Advisory Council on Community Relations in Defence (ACCORD), and International [全文]

News Immigrants & Singapore Society Experiential Series – “National Service: What You Need to Know” Online Sharing Session2022-03-15T12:54:57+08:00

“My Singapore New Norm” Micro Film Competition Workshops


随着新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会、新加坡华族文化中心和《联合早报》携手举办的“我的新加坡新常态”微电影大赛报名截止日期日益临近,为助参赛者一臂之力,主办单位所举办的4场免费线上工作坊(中英各两场),其中的2场已分别于2021年9月4日和12日举行。 9月4日中文工作坊参与者合影截图 9月12日英文工作坊参与者合影截图 首场工作坊邀请了著名编剧兼导演巫培双前来和参与者分享拍摄与制作微电影的心得和诀窍。巫培双现为长信传媒文学统筹部总监,也编写、导演过无数脍炙人口的影视作品,其中就包括了《我是孝子》和《小孩不笨》等等。 以中文进行的工作坊通过一系列理论知识解说、讨论与互动等,加深了参与者对于电影制作和剧本写作的领悟。巫培双导演强调了写剧本中的“忌”与“记”,其中便包含了避免以对白交代剧情,也涵盖了写剧本不可缺少的“起承转合”和写作的诀窍。巫培双导演更是播放了多个影视片段,其中包含了不同故事元素,让参与者理解剧本在融合理论知识后,实际演绎出的视觉效果。 巫培双导演与参与者分享理论知识 巫培双导演为参与者播放的影视片段,学习如何运用理论知识 第二场工作坊以英语进行,请来身兼多职的本地电影制作人Saleem Hadi,他讲解了如何利用手机功能拍摄出画面质感佳的影片,也介绍了拍摄中不同剧情或情感所使用的不同种类的镜头,如:双镜头,超近距离镜头与高低镜头等等。不仅如此,他也展示了如何进行后期制作,把手机拍摄的内容剪辑成高水准的微电影。 Saleem Hadi导演为参与者介绍不同种类的镜头 Saleem Hadi导演在工作坊分享满满的干货之余,也让参与者当场尝试运镜,如跟拍,以及所介绍过的运镜方式,使他们感受拍摄中的实际操作。 Saleem Hadi让参与者练习拍摄不同的镜头 错过了这两次的工作坊的朋友们不用担心,10月份还会有另外两场(中英各一场)工作坊。主办单位分别邀请了监制兼编导、编剧洪益兴和巫培双导演参与最后两场的工作坊。 工作坊的详情如下,切勿错过。 第3场工作坊(中文) 日期: 09.10.2021 (星期六) 第4场工作坊(英文) 日期: 16.10.2021 (星期六) 时间: 下午3pm – 5pm 平台:  Zoom 有意参加工作坊的朋友,请点击浏览 https://sfcca.sg/microfilm-workshop 了解详情。

“My Singapore New Norm” Micro Film Competition Workshops2021-09-18T12:50:26+08:00


“A Joyous Duan Wu Festival Celebration Art Contest” Results


  Children Category 儿童组 🏆 First Prize 一等奖 🏆 Ethan Wong Wai Hin 王韋軒 Lim Yi Yi 林熠熠 Yu Xuan 🏆 Second Prize 二等奖  🏆 Chong Jing Wen Jolene See Ya Ern 薛雅恩 Noelle Chen 陈知樾 🏆 [全文]

“A Joyous Duan Wu Festival Celebration Art Contest” Results2021-06-15T00:24:54+08:00

Picturesque Duan Wu – An Online Virtual Tour of Qu Yuan’s Hometown


On June 13th, as part of the "Picturesque Duan Wu", a "An Online Virtual Tour of Qu Yuan’s Hometown" was held on the online platform Zoom. The event attracted 108 participants and was also live-streamed on SFCCA’s Facebook page. A screenshot of the participants before the event Wang Li Zhen, a veteran in the media [全文]

Picturesque Duan Wu – An Online Virtual Tour of Qu Yuan’s Hometown2023-08-03T16:22:14+08:00


Uncover the Magic of AI and its Popular Usage


Organised by SFCCA under the "New Immigrants and Singapore Society Experiential Series", the "Uncover the Magic of AI and its Popular Usage" Zoom webinar successfully concluded on 30 January 2021. The webinar was attended by 62 participant, and was broadcast live on SFCCA's Facebook page. Invited speaker, Dr. Wu Yan from Agency for Science, Technology [全文]

Uncover the Magic of AI and its Popular Usage2021-04-26T23:14:57+08:00


Singlish & Singaporean Mandarin, You Sure You Know It ~


The “Singlish & Singaporean Mandarin, You Sure You Know It ~ ” online seminar was successfully held on 26 December 2020 via video conference platform, Zoom, as part of the New Immigrants and Singapore Society Experiential Series organised by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA). It attracted a total of 87 people and [全文]

Singlish & Singaporean Mandarin, You Sure You Know It ~2023-08-01T10:53:41+08:00


“A Reinterpretation of the Diversity along Whampoa River Bank” Live Virtual Tour


As part of the “New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series, SFCCA organised a live virtual tour entitled “A Reinterpretation of the Diversity along Whampoa River Bank” through Zoom on 31st October 2020 (Saturday), attracting a total of 58 participants. To kick-start the event, participants took a 'group photo' Mr Steven Kor, Social Affairs Committee [全文]

“A Reinterpretation of the Diversity along Whampoa River Bank” Live Virtual Tour2020-11-29T13:09:48+08:00


2nd “Heartstrings of Singapore” Photography Competition: Virtual Awards Ceremony


Jointly organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC), and co-organised by Sam Kiang Huay Kwan, Singapore Amoy Association and Singapore Lam Ann Association, the 2nd “Heartstrings of Singapore” Photography Competition culminated in a virtual awards ceremony over Zoom on 27th  September 2020. The [全文]

2nd “Heartstrings of Singapore” Photography Competition: Virtual Awards Ceremony2020-10-06T20:30:50+08:00

“Transforming Cultural & Integration Events amidst the Pandemic” Webinar


A total of 92 participants joined the “Transforming Cultural and Integration Events amidst the Pandemic” Zoom webinar which had successfully concluded on 6th September 2020. A "group photo" on Zoom prior to the webinar proper SFCCA's Social Affairs Committee Member and Integration Advocate, Dr Yun Jia, was the invited speaker. As an Internet professional, Dr [全文]

“Transforming Cultural & Integration Events amidst the Pandemic” Webinar2020-09-11T12:57:10+08:00
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