
Luncheon with DPM Lawrence Wong


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong together with Minister of State, Ministry of Finance, Mr Chee Hong Tat visited SFCCA to attend a luncheon with President of SFCCA, Mr Thomas Chua, and 11 Council Members last Wednesday (6 July). While discussing current issues during the luncheon, Mr Thomas Chua also shared [全文]

Luncheon with DPM Lawrence Wong2022-07-30T19:00:13+08:00


Dialogue with Leaders of Member Associations


Organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA), the "Dialogue with Leaders of Member Associations” was held on  at Nanyang Pho Leng Hui Kuan, Nanyang Hakka Federation and Singapore Foochow Association on May 24, June 7 and June 9 respectively. A total of 113 member associations with 262 attendees attended the three dialogues. The [全文]

Dialogue with Leaders of Member Associations2023-04-27T17:23:45+08:00


2019/20 “Clan Of The Year Award” & 3rd “Outstanding Youth Award” Award Ceremony


由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会(简称“宗乡总会”)主办的2019/20年“杰出会馆奖”暨第三届“宗乡总会杰出青年奖”,于2021年9月10日在宗乡总会一楼礼堂举行了颁奖典礼,同时在面簿页进行了线上直播。本届赛事共有11家会馆和3名宗乡青年获奖。 主宾文化、社区及青年部长兼律政部第二部长唐振辉先生通过预录视频致辞时表示,这两个奖项为华社铸造了良好典范,也激励了更多社团和青年奋发向上。他说:“在本届杰出会馆奖中,宗乡总会的会员团体都各司其职,在文化、教育、社会服务等方面都有卓越的贡献,令人赞赏。” 唐振辉部长通过预录视频祝贺获奖团体和得奖者 本届赛事共有24家会馆角逐荣誉,最终由金门会馆、南洋客属总会、新加坡江苏会、新加坡惠州会馆以及新加坡潮州八邑会馆获得“杰出会馆奖”。“优秀会馆奖”的得主是新加坡广东会馆、新加坡晋江会馆和新加坡福州会馆。主办单位也额外颁发了“激励奖”给海南陈氏公会、新加坡卓氏总会和新加坡厦门公会。 “杰出会馆奖”得奖会馆的代表合影,左起:南洋客属总会会长何谦诚、新加坡江苏会会长周兆呈博士、新加坡潮州八邑会馆会长曾建权、新加坡惠州会馆会长萧立娟和金门会馆主席蔡其生 宗乡总会会长陈奕福(右二)与“优秀会馆奖”得奖会馆的代表合影,左起:新加坡广东会馆会长何国才、新加坡福州会馆主席洪宝兴、新加坡晋江会馆常务委员彭丽儿 “激励奖”得奖会馆的代表与宗乡总会会长陈奕福(右二)合影,左起:海南陈氏公会会长陈嘉兆、新加坡卓氏总会总务卓汶谦、新加坡厦门公会会长汪家裕 宗乡总会会长陈奕福透过预录视频指出,“杰出会馆奖”设立的10年间见证了会员团体的成长与蜕变,而会馆的功能也随着社会的演变扩大了服务范围。无论疫情前或疫情期间,他们都积极通过各类慈善公益项目扩大至各社区,不分种族,让弱势群体获益。 “杰出会馆奖”评审团主席林任君也表示,奖项自上一届开始调整为两年一选,会员团体的表现也得到了更全面的凸显。在过去一年多里,整个大环境受到了冠病疫情的冲击,但许多会馆积极转型应对,求新求变,同时不忘发挥和衷共济的精神,协助社区共渡难关,这些都是他们脱颖而出的关键。 主办单位也在颁奖典礼上公布了第三届“宗乡总会杰出青年奖”的成绩,在11位被提名者中,由新加坡江苏会的青年团团长兼副秘书长孙玲玲博士,以及新加坡同安会馆产业股副股长洪健凯获得此奖项。评审团也追加颁发“鼓励奖”给新加坡厦门公会青年团团长郑明财。 来自新加坡厦门公会的郑明财(左一)、新加坡江苏会的孙玲玲博士(左二)及新加坡同安会馆的洪健凯(右一)获奖后,与宗乡总会会长陈奕福(右二)合影 “宗乡总会杰出青年奖”评审团主席吴绍均透露,评审团在这些新一代接班人身上看到了饮水思源、竭诚回馈、促进和谐等令人赞赏的共同点,也希望他们继续发挥影响力,凝聚更多青年,传承宗乡精神。 宗乡总会于2011年设立的“杰出会馆奖”,旨在鼓励会员团体弘扬华族文化并积极拓展新契机,对各个方面表现卓越的宗乡团体给予肯定。而后在2016年设立的“宗乡总会杰出青年奖”则是为了表彰在宗乡领域有着杰出贡献的年轻人,激励他们继续从事宗乡事业,并在会馆活动上有更优秀的表现。 欲重温2019/20年“杰出会馆奖”暨第三届“宗乡总会杰出青年奖”颁奖典礼,请点击 www.facebook.com/SG.SFCCA/videos/395492018601905 到宗乡总会面簿页观看视频。

2019/20 “Clan Of The Year Award” & 3rd “Outstanding Youth Award” Award Ceremony2021-09-18T12:56:58+08:00


“Fostering a Cohesive Society” Webinar


参与者在活动结束前合影截图 由宗乡总会与种族和谐资源中心(OnePeople.sg)联合举办的“打造富有凝聚力的社会”线上研讨会,在2021年7月31日于视讯平台Zoom举行,吸引了近80人出席,一同探讨如何建立具有凝聚力的社会。 活动主宾为国家发展部兼外交部高级政务部长沈颖女士,以及卫生部兼通讯及新闻部高级政务部长、种族和谐资源中心主席普杰立医生。线上研讨会由资深媒体人汪丽贞担任主持,活动全程以英语进行,参与者皆来自不同种族和背景的公众。 陈奕福会长在活动开始时表示,宗乡总会深知社会凝聚力的重要性,多年来举办了多项有助于社会融合的活动,目的是为了将不同社区背景和不同种族的人凝聚在一起。他认为,这项线上研讨会可让与会者了解如何建立共同的价值观,以及拓展共同性,并且在新挑战下坚毅前进。 他说:“我们都可以尽自己的一份力量,为建设更具凝聚力的新加坡社会而作出贡献。让我们包容新加坡社会的多元性,为彼此建立更牢固的关系。” 这项线上研讨会从不同角度探讨了社会凝聚力的影响因素,也让参与者反思如何加深各族之间的互理解和包容彼此的差异,并且建立共同的价值观来拓展共同性,继而打破社区之间的隔阂,共同打造具有凝聚力的新加坡社会。

“Fostering a Cohesive Society” Webinar2021-09-18T13:03:14+08:00


2019/20 “Clan of the Year Award” & 3rd “Outstanding Youth Award”


Introduced by SFCCA in 2011, the "Clan of the Year Award" aims to encourage clan associations to promote Chinese culture and actively explore new opportunities, and to recognise clan associations' achievements and efforts. Till date, SFCCA has awarded close to 70 "Clan of the Year Award" and "Special Award for Excellence". 2017/18 "Clan of the [全文]

2019/20 “Clan of the Year Award” & 3rd “Outstanding Youth Award”2021-05-15T12:27:55+08:00

New Immigrants and Singapore Society Experiential Series: “Speech Recognition & Artificial Intelligence” Webinar


The "Speech Recognition and Artificial Intelligence" webinar, which is part of the "New Immigrants and Singapore Society" experience series organised by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA), was successfully held on 24 April 2021 through Zoom and Facebook live-streaming, attracting 62 participants. Group photo taken before the event The keynote speaker for this [全文]

New Immigrants and Singapore Society Experiential Series: “Speech Recognition & Artificial Intelligence” Webinar2023-08-01T14:42:35+08:00


Dialogue With Chinese Community Leaders


On 21st February 2020, a total of 113 leader representatives from various Chinese clan and cultural member bodies attended a dialogue session organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA). Guest speaker, Minister for Health Mr Gan Kim Yong, shared with participants the latest developments of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Singapore and precautionary measures which [全文]

Dialogue With Chinese Community Leaders2020-05-27T16:06:05+08:00


6th National Zong Xiang Cup Weiqi Competition


To promote the art of Weiqi and the Chinese culture, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Weiqi Association organised the "6th National Zong Xiang Cup Weiqi Competition" on 10th November 2019 (Sunday). Held at SFCCA's Multi-Purpose Hall@Level 1, the competition received an overwhelming response of over 400 competitors. The competition is supported [全文]

6th National Zong Xiang Cup Weiqi Competition2020-04-20T01:12:42+08:00


2017/18 “Clan of the Year Award”


Winners for 2017/18 "Clan of the Year" Announced, Five Clans Awarded Honours The "Clan of the Year Award" 2017/18 and 2nd "SFCCA Outstanding Youth Award" ceremony cum dinner, organised by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA), was held at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel. The awardees were announced, and 13 out of 31 member organisations [全文]

2017/18 “Clan of the Year Award”2020-04-19T00:37:42+08:00


10th National Zong Xiang Cup Chinese Chess Competition


In order to promote interest in playing Chinese Chess and spread awareness of the Chinese Culture, SFCCA together with Singapore Xiangqi General Association held the 10th National Zong Xiang Cup Chinese Chess Competition at SFCCA Multi-Purpose Hall @ Level 1 on  Sunday, 11th November. A total of 260 participants joined the competition. This competition is jointly [全文]

10th National Zong Xiang Cup Chinese Chess Competition2020-04-19T00:47:14+08:00
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