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The second session of the “Crash Course in Microfilm Making” workshop attracted film enthusiasts of all ethnicities and age groups to learn shooting techniques


为配合由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会、新加坡华族文化中心和《联合早报》携手主办的“我的新加坡狂想曲”微电影大赛、鼓励有意参赛的公众了解和拍摄微电影,主办单位于8月5日在新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会的二楼礼堂举行了第二场“教你拍微电影”工作坊。第一场工作坊于上月举行,反应热烈,本次工作坊也希望能延续公众对了解和拍摄微电影的热忱。 本次工作坊以英语进行,由电影制作人、戏剧工作者兼作家 Saleem Hadi 亲自主讲,分享电影制作过程以及拍摄构图艺术等课题,吸引了各年龄层、各族群的参与者前来。参与者通过聆听主讲人Saleem Hadi的分享、参与互动和相互交流,对拍摄微电影有更进一步的兴趣和了解。 由电影制作人、戏剧工作者兼作家 Saleem Hadi 分享电影制作过程以及拍摄构图艺术等课题 Saleem Hadi的分享进一步激发了参与者的兴趣 参与者听得津津有味 参与者在工作坊上积极互动 Saleem Hadi与参与者互动 参与者通过交流,加深对电影制作的了解 你是否也想尝试拍摄一部独具一格的微电影呢?机会来啦~“我的新加坡狂想曲”微电影大赛目前已经开始接受报名!报名截止日期为2023年10月22日,而作品提交日期为2023年10月23日至2024年2月19日。获奖作品将有机会赢取总价值近3万元的奖金!有兴趣的朋友们,千万不要错过! 欲知更多活动详情,请参阅下方海报或浏览 http://microfilm.zaobao.com/2023/

The second session of the “Crash Course in Microfilm Making” workshop attracted film enthusiasts of all ethnicities and age groups to learn shooting techniques2023-08-24T21:04:50+08:00


Over 190 Participants Attended the SFCCA Health Talk 2023


7月29日(星期六),新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会于宗乡总会一楼礼堂举办了“健康讲座2023”,吸引了近190人参与,反应热烈!此次讲座涵盖了两个主题,分别为预防骨质疏松症以及遗嘱和持久授权书的制定,由Minmed集团的营养师傅毓雅女士、体能活动教练谢王净翎女士以及福鼎律师事务所(Fortis Law)的陈子佳律师主讲。 讲座以预防骨质疏松为主题开讲,营养师傅毓雅女士和体能活动教练谢王净翎女士分别从营养知识和运动角度,为参与者详细解释了预防骨质疏松症的方法。首先,傅女士分享了骨质疏松症风险因素,并阐明了两种诊断方法的准确性和差异。随后,她通过互动提问的方式引导参与者认识到一些可以预防骨质疏松的饮食选择。紧接着,谢王女士则带领参与者进行负重力量训练,专注于腿部、胸部和手臂的训练和拉伸动作,以有效预防骨质疏松症。 傅毓雅女士和谢王净翎女士分别为参与者讲解预防骨质疏松症的方式和带领参与者进行负重力量训练 参与者跟着谢王女士做一些拉筋运动 在活动的后半段,为了帮助参与者更好地了解有关树立遗嘱和持久授权书的重要知识,陈子佳律师通过实际案例的分享,来阐述如何预防遗嘱纠纷的发生。陈律师简要介绍了这两项文件的设置流程和注意事项,使参与者益不浅。在提问环节中,观众踊跃发言,陈律师也一一为他们答疑解惑。与此同时,当天来自Pro Bono SG和生命同行坊的志愿者现场为公众提供译文解答和预约咨询服务。 陈子佳律师为参与者讲解树立遗嘱和持久授权书的重要知识 参与者踊跃参与问答环节 “健康讲座2023”不仅促进了参与者的健康意识,也强调了法律知识在日常生活中的重要性。参与者通过此次活动获益匪浅。  

Over 190 Participants Attended the SFCCA Health Talk 20232023-08-17T10:10:42+08:00

Participants hone Basketball skills at the 11th Youth Sports Festival’s Basketball Competition


第11届宗乡青年体育节的第三场体育赛事——篮球比赛于7月23日(星期日)在新加坡篮球中心成功举行,吸引了超过230名篮球爱好者,共有十九队参与其中,包括有九队来自本地宗乡会馆。为了丰富此次赛事,主办方还邀请了前篮球国手许明坤以及三位篮球国手Dinesh、黄子斌 (Jonathan Ng Zi Bin) 和 汤勇安(Thng Yong An) 与参与者进行一场篮球友谊赛。 本次赛事的特别嘉宾——前篮球国手许明坤以及三位篮球国手Dinesh,黄子斌和汤勇安 在篮球友谊赛中,本地篮球国手黄子斌(身穿黑衣)与参赛者互相切磋,展现了各自高超的篮球技术 在赛场上,参赛者们展现出精湛球艺 经过几个小时的比拼,本届“宗乡青年体育节”篮球赛的冠军由永春会馆的“狮城篮球”队夺得,左为宗乡总会青年委员会副主任曾锦鸿 篮球赛的亚军由”row row row your boat”队伍获得,左为宗乡青年委员会副主任符策智 篮球赛的季军由”SKY”获得,左为宗乡总会青年委员会委员黄忠南 第11届“宗乡青年体育节”篮球赛圆满成功!

Participants hone Basketball skills at the 11th Youth Sports Festival’s Basketball Competition2023-08-16T11:10:21+08:00

Over 160 Film Making Enthusiasts Attended the “Crash Course Micro Film Making Workshop” to Learn about Tips on Film Making


为配合由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会、新加坡华族文化中心和《联合早报》携手主办的“我的新加坡狂想曲”微电影大赛,并鼓励有意参赛的公众了解和拍摄微电影,主办单位于7月8日在新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会的二楼礼堂举行了“教你拍微电影”分享会暨工作坊。 此次活动邀请了本地网红艺人兼导演李安 (Annette Lee),以及影视创作者兼文学总监巫培双 (Boris Boo)分享他们内容创作的心得和电影拍摄技巧。活动分为两场,第一场的分享会以英语进行,由本地网红艺人兼导演李安主讲。第二场的工作坊则以华语进行,由影视创作者兼文学总监巫培双主讲。两场活动总共吸引了超过160人参与,反应十分热烈! 在第一场分享会上,本地网红艺人兼导演李安分享了她在内容创作的经历,也传授了一些如何吸引观众的影视创作技巧 李安也向参与者分享了她自创歌曲的视频,让大家共同欣赏 分享会结束后,参与者也纷纷借此机会与李安拍照留念,共度愉快时光 第二场活动由影视创作者兼文学总监巫培双主讲,他主要向与会者分享了微电影的制作流程,并教导参与者如何通过镜头讲述故事 巫培双以提问的方式与参与者进行互动,现场气氛更加活跃 参与者们都听得津津有味 你是否也想尝试拍摄一部独具一格的微电影呢?机会来啦~ “我的新加坡狂想曲”微电影大赛目前已经开始接受报名!报名截止日期为2023年10月22日,而作品提交日期为2023年10月23日至2024年2月19日。获奖作品将有机会赢取总价值近3万元的奖金!有兴趣的朋友们,千万不要错过! 欲知更多活动详情,请参阅下方海报或浏览 http://microfilm.zaobao.com/2023/

Over 160 Film Making Enthusiasts Attended the “Crash Course Micro Film Making Workshop” to Learn about Tips on Film Making2023-08-10T14:04:12+08:00

Dialogue Session with Former Senior Minister Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam on National Cohesion, Resilience and Social Development


Organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, the "National Cohesion, Resilience and Social Development" Dialogue Session was held on 6 July, 7.30pm at the SFCCA Multi-Purpose Hall @ Level 1 with Former Senior Minister Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam as the guest speaker. Over 100 participants attended the session, among whom were representatives from 38 clan [全文]

Dialogue Session with Former Senior Minister Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam on National Cohesion, Resilience and Social Development2023-08-10T13:23:14+08:00


Close to 140 badminton enthusiasts participated in the 11th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival’s Badminton Competition


As part of the 11th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival, a badminton competition was held on the 25 June at the Singapore Badminton Centre. This is the second sports competition after the first sports event-bowling held on 27 May. Close to 140 badminton enthusiasts participated in the competition, including 8 groups representing SFCCA . The highlight [全文]

Close to 140 badminton enthusiasts participated in the 11th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival’s Badminton Competition2023-08-09T17:09:14+08:00

SFCCA-SCCC Duan Wu Carnival Food Fair Made a Comeback after Three-year Hiatus


The 2023 Duan Wu Carnival, jointly organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC), was held on 17 June at the SFCCA premises in Toa Payoh. Mr Chee Hong Tat, Senior Minister of State for Finance and Transport, graced the carnival as the Guest-of-Honour. This marked his second [全文]

SFCCA-SCCC Duan Wu Carnival Food Fair Made a Comeback after Three-year Hiatus2023-07-10T17:31:28+08:00


Kicking off the 11th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival with Bowling as its Opening Sports Segment


Organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA), the festival kicked off on 27 May at Toa Payoh SAFRA’s SuperBowl bowling alley. Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office, Mr Desmond Tan, officiated the opening ceremony as the Guest of Honour. \ The Youth Sports Festival will take place at various locations across [全文]

Kicking off the 11th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival with Bowling as its Opening Sports Segment2023-08-09T17:04:15+08:00

20 Singles Embark on a Journey to Forge New Friendships


Organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, the large-scale social event "Happy兔gether: 当我们同在一起” was held in SFCCA Multi-Purpose Hall @ Level 1. The event brought 20 single men and women aged 20-35 together, with one couple successfully matched. The event began with self-introduction videos from all the 20 single participants. Each of them then [全文]

20 Singles Embark on a Journey to Forge New Friendships2023-08-09T16:55:34+08:00

Studying in China —Perspectives from SFCCA Scholars


The SFCCA Scholars Network (SSN) held an online Zoom session titled " Studying in China– Perspectives from SFCCA Scholars" on Saturday, 13 May 2023 at 3pm. More than 60 students participated in the Zoom session, with a sign-up to participation rate of nearly 100%. Over 900 people watched the Singapore Eye simulcast, which shows the [全文]

Studying in China —Perspectives from SFCCA Scholars2023-08-07T17:17:23+08:00
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