
More than 400 Seniors and Families Enjoy Scenic Spots Around Singapore River on a Bumboat Cruise


On 15 April, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC) jointly organised the "Project CARE 2023". During the event, more than 400 seniors from 13 elderly care organisations, accompanied by over 60 volunteers, and their families, took a boat trip along the Singapore River. This was the first time [全文]

More than 400 Seniors and Families Enjoy Scenic Spots Around Singapore River on a Bumboat Cruise2023-08-09T15:31:08+08:00


“Budget 2023” Dialogue Session with Leaders of Member Associations and Minister Chan Chun Sing


On 14 February, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong, announced the Budget 2023 with the theme "Moving forward in a new era". The budget focuses on six major areas: family, cost of living, retirement security, economic development, employee training, and tax rate adjustments. It also outlines how our country plans to [全文]

“Budget 2023” Dialogue Session with Leaders of Member Associations and Minister Chan Chun Sing2023-08-09T16:42:20+08:00


SFCCA Volunteering Event


新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会于12月18日到访MINDSville@Napiri 智障人士之家送爱心,共有80位参与者,包括了MINDSville@Napiri 的孩童和工作人员,以及来自宗乡总会、江苏会、厦门公会和新加坡南洋恩典国际狮子会 (Lions Club of Singapore Nanyang Grace)的义工们。 此次的爱心之行,共包括了3项活动: 一、购置并更换床单 二、绘制壁画 江苏会与其他义工们耗时4个小时,共同绘制壁画。最后,孩童们分别于壁画的左右下角按上自己的手印。成品除了为MINDSville@Napiri增添了一抹鲜艳色彩,也寄予了义工们对孩童们的美好期许。 宗乡总会社会事务委员会主任陈展鹏先生(第二排右一)和委员王锦顺先生(第一排右一)也参与了此次的义工活动 三、欢庆圣诞佳节 来自新加坡南洋恩典国际狮子会的表演者们身着圣诞服饰,与宗乡总会义工代表们深情并茂地演唱一首首圣诞歌曲,为现场增添了浓郁的圣诞气息。其后是魔术师带来的精彩表演,现场惊喜不断,为此次的爱心之行画上了一个圆满的句号。 义工活动圆满成功,愿更多的爱心人士参与社工活动,继续发挥小我力量,为社会做出贡献!

SFCCA Volunteering Event2022-12-28T17:05:44+08:00


“New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series: Technology in Agriculture Tour 2


Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) organised the first session of “New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series: Technology in Agriculture in June and received an enthusiastic response. In less than half a year, SFCCA successfully ushered in a second session of the Technology in Agriculture and was held on 5 November at [全文]

“New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series: Technology in Agriculture Tour 22022-12-23T11:41:12+08:00


“New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series: My Smart Nation and Metaverse Talk


Invited speakers are SGTech Smart Nation Chapter Chairman Mr Anthony Ong (middle) and Metaverse 3D Communication Technology Developer Mr Liu Jun Feng (right) with member of Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) Social Affairs Committee, Mr Ignatius Wang as the host Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) organised a "New Immigrants and [全文]

“New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series: My Smart Nation and Metaverse Talk2022-12-23T10:37:53+08:00


16th National Day Sing-along


On the evening of August 6, about 1,200 people joined the 16th National Day Sing-Along at the Toa Payoh HDB Hub Central Plaza to celebrate the nation’s 57th birthday. Ms. Gan Siow Huang, Minister of State for Education and Manpower, attended the event as the Guest of Honour. The event was also live-streamed for the [全文]

16th National Day Sing-along2022-09-02T09:13:58+08:00


New Immigrants and Singapore Society ”Experiential Series: Technology in Agriculture Tour


The "30 by 30" goal was announced in 2019 by the Singapore government to enhance the resilience of Singapore's food supply. This "30 by 30" goal is defined as meeting 30% of our nutritional needs locally by 2030. To give participants a better understanding of the operation and maintenance of local agriculture, SFCCA organised  a [全文]

New Immigrants and Singapore Society ”Experiential Series: Technology in Agriculture Tour2022-07-31T11:20:49+08:00


Project C.A.R.E. 2022


With the slowdown of the spread of Covid-19 and the relaxation of preventive measures, the "Project C.A.R.E. 2022", jointly organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) and the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), resumed its physical outdoor activities. This year, the program was held over five days between May 20 and May 27, [全文]

Project C.A.R.E. 20222022-09-01T16:46:56+08:00


New Immigrants and Singapore Society Experiential Series: “Global Developments Affecting Singapore” Dialogue Session


SFCCA held a closed-door dialogue session on “Global Developments Affecting Singapore” on 25th April 2022 (Monday), 7.30pm, at the SFCCA Multi-Purpose Hall@Level 1. The dialogue session was also SFCCA’s first exclusively offline major event since the beginning of the pandemic. Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Mr Teo Chee Hean was the Guest-of-Honour, [全文]

New Immigrants and Singapore Society Experiential Series: “Global Developments Affecting Singapore” Dialogue Session2022-08-16T10:22:11+08:00


Kampong Glam Virtual Tour


由宗乡总会举办的“新移民与新加坡社会”体验系列之“甘榜格南线上文化之旅”,已于2021年12月18日通过Zoom视讯平台圆满举行。 文化之旅参与者的合影截图 本次活动由导览员亲临甘榜格南,以实况直播的方式进行导览,带领参与者走访巴梭拉街(Bussorah Street)、阿尔萨革夫阿拉伯学校(Alsagoff Arab School)、苏丹回教堂(Sultan Mosque)、甘榜格南苏丹王宫(Istana Kampong Glam)等地标,感受这个地区的多元文化气息。 在介绍沿路的地标时,导览员也分享了许多相关历史、文化、习俗和有趣的小知识。比如现为马来文化馆(Malay Heritage Centre)的甘榜格南苏丹王宫(Istana Kampong Glam),曾是马来苏丹在新加坡时的皇宫,而“Istana”在马来语就是“宫殿”的意思。 前身为甘榜格南苏丹王宫,现已改造成马来文化馆 导览中值得一提的景点还包括了新加坡著名的回教堂——苏丹回教堂(Sultan Mosque),其金光闪闪的圆顶设计是这座宗教建筑的标志之一。导览员解释,苏丹回教堂之所以面向特定的角度而建造,是为了直面朝向伊斯兰教第一圣城的方向——麦加。除此之外,在显眼的金色圆顶底座都饰有一圈玻璃瓶底,这些瓶底都是由清贫的回教徒在支持兴建回教堂时所捐赠的。这是为了确保所有的回教徒,无论富贵或贫穷,都能为回教堂的重建献出一份力量。 苏丹回教堂金色圆顶底座的黑色部分为回教徒捐赠的玻璃瓶底 除了介绍苏丹回教堂的建筑特点外,导览员也播放了一则短片,让参与者认识回教徒每日必行的礼拜和祈祷。 回教徒男孩所做的礼拜步骤 在前往阿尔萨革夫阿拉伯学校(Alsagoff Arab School)的路上,导览员向参与者透露了在回教小学就读的学生需要修习10个科目。除了新加坡教育必修的4门主课,还要额外再学阿拉伯语以及5门宗教课程,让导览员直呼钦佩。 阿尔萨革夫阿拉伯学校 除此之外,导览员还向参与者介绍了许多甘榜格南的马来美食,从深受本地人欢迎的餐馆到仅在这片区域可见的小街美食,都让参与者垂涎三尺。导览员表示甘榜格南的马来美食汇聚了马来西亚和印度尼西亚的风味,像是马来菜饭(Nasi Padang)、牛肉仁当咖喱(Beef Rendang)、蛋松炸豆腐(Tahu Telur)、椰浆煮海螺(Lemak Siput Sedut)等。 图中为椰浆煮海螺,是马来西亚和印尼菜式融合一体的结晶 每当完成一个介绍环节后,主持人都会准备有关题目,让参与者选项作答,这使他们更了解甘榜格南的历史文化。强先答对题目的参与者能够参加幸运转盘环节,得奖者还可获得精品好礼。 主办方带参与者回顾巴梭拉街的旧称,使他们更了解甘榜格南的历史文化 即使透过线上的方式参与文化之旅,参与者在导览员提供的丰富信息以及精彩讲解下,仍然感受到了甘榜格南的文化色彩,同时对新加坡的历史街区有了更深一层的认识,获益不浅。 新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会自2011年推出“文化之旅”活动,带领民众先后走访了多个文化历史地标和街区,让大家领略新加坡多姿多彩的多元种族与文化。宗乡总会将“文化之旅”的游览路线整理成册出版,其中一册是有关“甘榜格南”的内容噢!有兴趣的朋友可在宗乡总会网站下载电子版本。

Kampong Glam Virtual Tour2021-12-22T20:57:40+08:00
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