
Oneness’ 10th Anniversary & The Launch of Digital Oneness Magazine


主宾贸工部兼文化、社区及青年部政务部长刘燕玲致辞 为庆祝新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会出版的《华汇》杂志创刊十周年,宗乡总会于11月18日在会所的一楼礼堂举行庆典,吸引了近200人出席。贸工部兼文化、社区及青年部政务部长刘燕玲也以主宾的身份莅临现场,并主持了《华汇》电子版上线仪式。 宗乡总会别出心裁,在一楼大厅摆放了《华汇》十周年庆典照片墙,不少出席者齐聚于此合照留念 宗乡总会会长蔡其生致辞 宗乡总会会长蔡其生在致辞时指出,推出电子版是为了进一步扩大读者群,并向世界各地的华文读者介绍新加坡的风土人情。 获颁“华汇之星”的包括前新闻主播王嬿青、龙舟国手Gauri Savadi等 活动当天,宗乡总会也颁发了“华汇之星” 给“专题报道”和“人物专访”两个栏目的受访者,感谢他们对社会的贡献以及对杂志的支持。 此外,宗乡总会也邀请了新加坡华乐团琵琶首席俞嘉、风和投资合伙人李晓波,以及新加坡南洋理工大学华裔馆馆长游俊豪博士主讲庆典的“‘新’路历程面面观”分享会,谈有关他们移民新加坡,融入社群的心路历程。 (左起)新加坡南洋理工大学华裔馆馆长游俊豪博士、风和投资合伙人李晓波、新加坡华乐团琵琶首席俞嘉 三位主讲者李晓波(左二)、俞嘉(左三)、游俊豪博士(右二),与刘燕玲政务部长(左四)、宗乡总会会长蔡其生先生(右一)以及《华汇》编委会主任周兆呈博士(左一)合照 《华汇》十周年庆典圆满结束! 有兴趣阅读《华汇》的公众,欢迎浏览此链接 https://sfcca.sg/oneness/ 注册账号免费阅读该杂志。另外,作为优惠促销,只要在今年12月31日或之前注册账号,公众也能享有免费一年的《源》电子版订阅。

Oneness’ 10th Anniversary & The Launch of Digital Oneness Magazine2022-11-29T17:09:01+08:00

4th Dialogue Session with Leaders of Member Associations


新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会第四场会员团体交流会于11月15日(星期二)晚上圆满举行,共有106位来自37间会员团体的代表出席。 早前,宗乡总会已举办了三场会员团体交流会,共有113个会员团体、262人出席,反应踊跃。宗乡总会会长蔡其生先生表示,第四场交流会的重点是针对会馆如何更有效、全面地发展业务进行讨论。 宗乡总会会长蔡其生先生与会馆代表进行交流 交流会上,蔡其生会长重新强调了前三场交流会的讨论要点,分别为鼓励会馆成立青年团和妇女组,呼吁宗乡团体和其他社团互帮互助,以增进社会各界之间的凝聚力,以及鼓励各会馆采用“电子管理系统”,与时并进,一同转型。此外,蔡其生会长也谈到宗乡总会在社区和政府之间所扮演的重要桥梁角色,即听取民意,及时向政府反馈,比如几个月前政府曾宣布新生儿电子版出生证不再显示父母的籍贯这件事。 增龙会馆代表马俊豪(左)和新加坡客属宝树谢氏公会谢志前(右)分享各自在会馆的经验 交流会中,各会馆代表踊跃发言,讨论会馆所面临的挑战以及分享推展会务的经验。多数会馆面对招收年轻成员的挑战都有所共鸣,但仍积极寻找不同途径推动年轻成员加入会馆。新加坡惠州会馆会长萧立娟女士提出,可以推动自己身边的人,鼓励亲朋好友加入会馆。新加坡琼崖杨氏公会会长杨林春先生鼓励各会馆大胆尝试不同的活动,带来新体验,吸引更多年轻人。不少会馆也强调了设立会馆的社交媒体账号对于提高知名度的重要性。 交流会现场 第四场会员团体交流会顺利举办!

4th Dialogue Session with Leaders of Member Associations2023-03-30T14:23:02+08:00

SFCCA’s 10th Youth Sports Festival Closing Ceremony


Guest of Honour, Senior Parliamentary Secretary of Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment and Ministry of Transport, Mr Baey Yam Keng (Middle), National Paddler Clarence Chew (5th from left) together with the President of SFCCA, Mr Thomas Chua (5th from right) and council members The 10th SFCCA Youth Sports Festival at SFCCA [全文]

SFCCA’s 10th Youth Sports Festival Closing Ceremony2022-12-23T14:28:41+08:00

The Community Integration – Forging Common Ground Dialogue Session


“凝聚共识 促进融合”对话会的主宾为种族和谐资源中心的主席普杰立医生(左) 由新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会与种族和谐资源中心(OnePeople.sg)联办的“凝聚共识 促进融合”对话会于11月12日(星期六)进行。种族和谐资源中心的主席普杰立医生以主宾的身份出席,并与80名与会者一起探讨影响种族、国籍和宗教间关系的关键问题,有关新加坡人与移民关系的相关课题。同时,对话会也强调了跨越界线,通过分享经验增加彼此的共同点以促进融合的重要性。 “凝聚共识 促进融合”对话会活动现场 “凝聚共识 促进融合”对话会活动现场 “凝聚共识 促进融合”对话会活动现场 问答环节 普杰立医生与公众交谈 “凝聚共识,促进融合”对话会成功举办!

The Community Integration – Forging Common Ground Dialogue Session2023-03-30T14:21:03+08:00

SFCCA Youth Interest Group: Escape Room


Unlike the Youth Interest Group: Virtual Escape Room event organised by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) on 28th May, the ease of Covid restrictions ushered in the Youth Interest Group: Escape Room event that was held on 6th November, attracting close to 70 participants. A physical escape room allows participants to experience [全文]

SFCCA Youth Interest Group: Escape Room2022-12-23T14:10:36+08:00

“New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series: Technology in Agriculture Tour 2


Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) organised the first session of “New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series: Technology in Agriculture in June and received an enthusiastic response. In less than half a year, SFCCA successfully ushered in a second session of the Technology in Agriculture and was held on 5 November at [全文]

“New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series: Technology in Agriculture Tour 22022-12-23T11:41:12+08:00


“New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series: My Smart Nation and Metaverse Talk


Invited speakers are SGTech Smart Nation Chapter Chairman Mr Anthony Ong (middle) and Metaverse 3D Communication Technology Developer Mr Liu Jun Feng (right) with member of Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) Social Affairs Committee, Mr Ignatius Wang as the host Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) organised a "New Immigrants and [全文]

“New Immigrants and Singapore Society” Experiential Series: My Smart Nation and Metaverse Talk2022-12-23T10:37:53+08:00

SFCCA Scholars Network Gathering


Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations held its first physical SFCCA Scholars Network (SSN) Gathering on 1 October two years of hiatus. President of SFCCA, Mr Thomas Chua, Secretary-General, Mr Ng Siew Quan, Deputy Secretary-General, Mr Pok Cheng Chong, Chairman of SFCCA Youth Committee, Dr Zhou Zhaocheng, SFCCA Chairman of Social Affairs Committee, Mr. Lennon [全文]

SFCCA Scholars Network Gathering2022-10-18T15:17:47+08:00


Talk of Town – Youth Seminar Series “New Gen Clan Youth Leaders: Inspired by the Past, Aspire Towards Greater Excellence” Talk


 SFCCA held the Talk of Town – Youth Seminar Series “New Gen Clan Youth Leaders: Inspired by the Past, Aspire Towards Greater Excellence” Talk at the SFCCA Multi-Purpose Hall@ Level 2 on 25 September. The speakers of the seminar were Youth Group Chairman of Kong Chow Wui Koon, Ms Lynn Wong Yuqing, Deputy Treasurer of [全文]

Talk of Town – Youth Seminar Series “New Gen Clan Youth Leaders: Inspired by the Past, Aspire Towards Greater Excellence” Talk2022-10-05T18:20:29+08:00

SFCCA Health Talk 2022


The ‘SFCCA Health Talk 2022’ was held on the 24th of September (Saturday) at the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clans Association’s Multi-purpose hall (first floor). The event received overwhelming response and was attended by 180 attendees. The talk focused on two topics: dementia and Covid-19. These topics were presented by Lecturer Ms Pamela Chow from [全文]

SFCCA Health Talk 20222022-10-05T18:10:08+08:00
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