文图 · 李国樑
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砖厂组屋区位于惹兰红山(Jalan Bukit Merah)与亚历山大路(Alexandra Road)交界,于上世纪70年代初重新发展,跟惹兰鲁马丁宜(Jalan Rumah Tinggi)合共20座组屋。以两个历史地标命名的ABC砖厂(ABC Brickworks)小贩中心是这里的标志。
“ABC”指的是这一带最大的啤酒制造商Archipelago Brewery Company,俗称ABC酿酒厂;至于砖厂(Brickworks),上世纪50年代初,殖民地政府在“福山砖窑村”(简称砖厂)地段兴建信托局房屋,因此福山砖窑村得名自坐落在原址的福山砖厂和土矿场。
那个年代具规模的造砖业者包括德光岛的泽光砖厂、裕廊的裕廊砖厂、后港4条半石的鼎山砖厂、亚历山大路的福山砖厂等。最财雄势大的是英国人投资的亚历山大砖厂,鼎盛时期柔佛、怡保和北海都有分行。亚历山大路和巴西班让路交界处的Mapletree Business City,就是从前的厂址。战后两年兴建的麦唐纳大厦,使用的是亚历山大砖厂制造的新式饰面砖。

十多年前的园艺园林(Hort Park)一片荒芜,开发后跟南部山脊衔接起来。游人漫步于花柏山、直落布兰雅山、园艺园林和肯特岗,有“悠然见南山”之趣。
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园艺园林的近邻亚历山大园(Alexandra Park),曾经是亚历山大军营(Alexandra Barracks)所在地,这里最古老的黑白屋建于1905年左右,其他房子多数于30年代落成,让在英军医院(亚历山大医院)工作的医疗团队住宿。有些黑白屋就像大庄园,门前绿草如茵。由于黑白屋年代已久,又属于受保留建筑,材料必须遵照原来的规格,翻修工程浩大。加上过于清幽,吸引野猪、蛇虫等“不速之客”,住客在光鲜门面背后,必须学会跟自然界共生。

1936年完工的吉门营房(Gillman Barracks)跟亚历山大军营隔条马路。当时英国觉察到东北亚战云密布,有山雨欲来风满楼之势,于是调派更多军人到新加坡进行防御。70年代英军撤退后,新加坡武装部队接手吉门营房,30年前改成商业用途,汇聚众多国际画廊和餐馆来打造当代艺术空间。例如来自法国的海伦(Helene Le Chatelier)在新加坡定居多年,多数作品非黑即白,灵感来自这一带的黑白屋。她希望通过最原始的颜色找到集体回忆,就像黑白照保留昔日记忆一样。
吉门营房的第二阶段发展,引进多元的商业元素来提升活力,餐饮业者计划腾出空间,改造成亲脚踏车骑士的咖啡馆,同时设立脚踏车维修站。生活品牌公司Didi Lifestyle准备朝绿色能源进军,结合太阳能板块业者和电动车充电供应商。新的现代城市绿色生态,正逐步从黑与白中脱颖而出。

亚历山大园山脚下的亚历山大医院,就是为了准备二战而建的英军医院(British Military Hospital)。

汉惹拔回教堂(Masjid Hang Jebat)
亚历山大医院附近有座汉惹拔回教堂(Masjid Hang Jebat),1952年初创的小祷告室如今可容纳600名教徒,仍然保留着甘榜锌板屋风格。
回教堂取名自马来民间传说中匡扶正义的民族英雄汉惹拔。根据《汉都亚传》(Hikayat Hang Tuah),汉都亚、汉惹拔和另外三人情同手足,一同投效马六甲王朝苏丹。苏丹听信谗言,下令杀死汉都亚,宰相暗中帮助汉都亚躲藏起来。汉惹拔自恃武艺高强,迫使苏丹逃离宫廷。宰相要求苏丹赦免汉都亚,让他与汉惹拔决战,汉惹拔向汉都亚解释,是为了帮他复仇才跟苏丹对抗的。汉惹拔临死前对汉都亚说:对苏丹盲目忠诚,实在是愚昧无知。

失落的方舟(The Deck)
回教堂300米外隐秘的树林,有艘“失落的方舟”(The Deck),那是附近居民用倒下的树干搭建而成的“甲板”。方舟在徒步群体中知名度飙升,游人爬上甲板拍照时对其造成损坏。小隐于野的古朴趣味令人兴奋,但是唯有公德心才可能让“方舟”存活。
过去的岁月里,你可曾深夜路过砖厂一带,醉倒在微风掠过的酒花香中?30多年前这阵令人怀念的气味已飘到大士。ABC酿酒厂原地兴建艾格坊商场(Anchor Point),金锭园公寓(The Anchorage)和宜家(IKEA),大路旁的酿酒师之家是仅存的遗迹。
亚历山大于90年前出现工业雏形,1932年投入生产的马来亚酿酒厂(Malayan Breweries Limited)是本地最早的现代啤酒厂(现址为亚历山大坊Alexandra Point),主打虎牌啤酒。一年后德国人投资的ABC酿酒厂也在亚历山大路设厂,主打酒精量较低的锚标啤酒。投资者选择亚历山大作为啤酒产地,主要瞄准附近的军人和医护人员。这里靠近铁路,产品输出到马、泰也很方便。
随着第二次世界大战爆发,殖民地政府根据《1939年对敌贸易法》,接管敌人(德国)的资产。日据时期,军政府命令生产朝日啤酒(Asahi Beer)的大日本酿酒厂来本地启动生产线,战争结束后归还给马来亚酿酒厂。

立兴(Lea Hin)生产的蝴蝶牌火水炉曾经走入千家万户
立兴(Lea Hin)的外墙由蓝色、白色小星星和大红星组成,外观特别抢眼。立兴生产的蝴蝶牌大光灯(煤油灯)和火水炉走入寻常百姓家。电力不足的年代,大光灯照明千家万户,户外活动、摆档口、家里做功课都少不了它。火水炉的燃料是煤油,煮食后锅底积上厚厚的油层,必须使用火炭灰来洗刷。80年代火水炉被煤气和电炉全面取代,立兴就像蜕变的蝴蝶,转型生产组屋铁花窗,闯出一条新路。
拖拉机开到双口鼎的时候,已经进入ABBA瑞典流行乐团风靡全球的年代。ABBA的《我有个梦想》(I have a dream)唱道:“我相信天使,我看到的一切都有好的一面;我相信天使,时机成熟时,我将穿过小河,追逐我的梦想。”时代在变迁,昔日被一些人视为颓废的流行音乐有其乐观向上的一面,这是固有的想象与现实形成的落差,就像在砖厂组屋区找不到砖厂一样。
[1]Hang Jebat Mosque, https://www.roots.gov.sg/en/places/places-landing/Places/landmarks/my-queenstown-heritage-trail/hang-jebat-mosque accessed 7 June 2023.
[2]Hello! My Alexandra Village, https://mycommunityfestival.sg/hello-my-alexandra-village/accessed 21 May 2023.
[3]Malcolm H. Murfett et. al., Between two oceans: a military history of Singapore from 1275 to 1971, Marshall Cavendish Editions, 2011.
[4]My Alexandra Heritage Tour, https://mycommunity.org.sg/guided-tours/my-alexandra-heritage-tour/accessed 6 June 2023.
[5]Peter Elphick , Singapore: the Pregnable Fortress: A Study in Deception, Discord and Desertion, Coronet, 1995, ISBN 9780340649909.
[6]Stephanie Ho, “Alexandra”, https://eresources.nlb.gov.sg/infopedia/articles/SIP_2016-06-21_114707.html accessed 21 May 2023.
[7]The beer train from the Anchor Brewery,https://thelongnwindingroad.wordpress.com/2017/10/30/the-beer-train-from-the-anchor-brewery/ accessed 21 May 2023.
[8]The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser.
[12]张挥,《双口鼎一村 那些年那些事》,玲子传媒私人有限公司,2015.
The Brickworks Estate where Brickworks No Longer Exist
The junction of Jalan Bukit Merah and Alexandra Road is where the Brickworks estate and the adjacent Jalan Rumah Tinggi are situated. In the early 1970s, the estate underwent redevelopment and 20 HDB flats were eventually built. The name of the ABC Brickworks Market and Food Centre serves as a reminder of the estate’s past.
The term “ABC” refers to the Archipelago Brewery Company commonly known as ABC Brewery. “Brickworks” refers to the former Hock San Brickworks and Hock San Village, which were part of the estate.
The Alexandra Brickworks was the most prominent brickworks factory in Alexandra. It had branches in Johor, Ipoh, and Butterworth during its peak. The Mapletree Business City located near the junction of Alexandra Road and Pasir Panjang Road used to be the site of the factory. After World War II, the factory supplied Orchard Road’s McDonald House with its new R&D product-the veneer bricks.
In the 1950s, new regulations required substantial deposits for utility supplies in new construction projects. Coupled with pay cuts for civil servants during that time, developers chose a wait-and-see approach, leading to a slump in the construction industry. Hock San Brickworks was severely affected and closed down. The Alexandra Brickworks property was acquired by the Port of Singapore Authority, marking the end of kiln fires in the Alexandra area in the early 1970s.
Located near HortPark, Alexandra Park was previously known as Alexandra Barracks. The oldest house in the area was constructed in 1905, although most of the black and white houses were completed in the 1930s. These houses provided accommodation for the medical teams working at the British Army Hospital.
Gillman Barracks, which was completed in 1936, was just across the road from Alexandra Barracks. At that time, the British anticipated the possibility of war spreading from the Northeast to Southeast Asia. Consequently, they deployed more soldiers to defend the Singapore fortress. After the British withdrawal in the early 1970s, Gillman Barracks came under the control of the Singapore Armed Forces. The barracks underwent conversion some years later, bringing together international galleries to create a space for contemporary art.
Alexandra Hospital at the base of Alexandra Park, served as the former British Military Hospital. On 14 February 1942, following a fierce battle at Bukit Chandu, the Japanese encountered another ambush near Alexandra Brickworks. Consequently, they launched an attack on Alexandra and Gillman Barracks. The ABC Brewery and Hock San Brickworks also fell into the hands of the Japanese. As some retreating allied troops fired upon the enemy within the vicinity of Alexandra Hospital, the Japanese soldiers became infuriated. They stormed the hospital twice, resulting in tragic deaths of over 200 medical staff and severely wounded British soldiers. This event remains a haunting memory under the Red Cross.
Post war, the hospital continued to provide treatment to wounded soldiers who fought against the communists during the Malayan Emergency. The main building of Alexandra Hospital has been designated as a national monument and still maintains its appearance from before World War II.
The present-day Alexandra Village Food Centre and its neighbourhood occupy the original site of Seah Eu Chin’s 19th-century gambier plantation. In the 20th century, the plantation was transformed into Alexandra Village, which was commonly referred to as “双口鼎” (shuangkouding) by the Chinese community. Following the war, the villagers worked in the urban areas and were inevitably influenced by the diverse culture. The older residents struggled to adapt to these changes, leading to the emergence of the “generation gap”.
By the time tractors arrived in Alexandra Village, Singapore had already entered the ABBA era. ABBA’s song “I Have a Dream” brought a sense of optimism to the new generation. Life underwent significant transformation, just as the brickworks ceased to exist in the Brickworks estate.