
Other Publications

A documentary that reflects the development of the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations in the past 20 years, recording the contributions and efforts of the Federation in various areas including advocating Chinese traditional culture and values, assisting the development of its member clan associations, collating information and promoting Chinese traditional festivals.
Sale Price: S$20

“A Reflection Of Our Past” DVD
An audio-visual record of the blood, sweat and tears of the early immigrants who laid the foundation for Singapore’s growth, including St. John’s Island, coolie depot, temples, clan associations and many other historical relics.
Sale Price: Video Tape: S$40; DVD: S$10
People from different walks of life share their personal affections with their clans, including the role the Federation plays and the mission that it carries. The short film emphasizes the spirit of remembering the efforts of the forefathers and the passing down of the Chinese culture.
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Founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew is widely respected both locally and overseas for his leadership that shaped Singapore’s success story. Whether as Prime Minister, Senior Minister or Minister Mentor, Mr Lee Kuan Yew remained concerned and committed to the growth of the Chinese community. This book stresses the emphasis that Mr Lee placed on bilingualism and affirms his contributions to the development of Sino-Singapore economic and cultural exchanges. It was introduced during the “Gala Dinner in Honour of Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong” in November 2011.

Besides having made immense contributions to Singapore, Mr Goh Chok Tong has also played a pivotal role in the Chinese community. This book records the works of Mr Goh in many aspects including promoting traditional values, developing the economy and advocating bilingual education, to commemorate his selfless care and dedication to the Chinese Community. The publication was introduced during the “Gala Dinner in Honour of Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong” in November 2011.
Selling Price: S$100 per set

Tribute to Goh Chok Tong
This commemorative special includes the detailed discourse of dialogue and exchanges between Mr Goh Chok Tong and the Chinese community, jointly published by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations and Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry.
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Tribute to Lee Kuan Yew
A commemorative special dedicated to Singapore’s first Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew. The commemorative contains some incisive speeches made by Mr Lee.
Selling Price: S$25

Published in conjunction with the Federation’s celebration of 3 years of establishment.
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Published to commemorate the Federation’s 10th anniversary. It records the events in the past 10 years and includes the Chinese community-related monographs.
Sale Price: $10

Published to commemorate the Federation’s 20th anniversary.
Sale Price: S$20

This book catalogues articles and reports related to the local Chinese clan associations released in newspaper articles and the Federation’s publications for the past 25 years (1986-2011). It consists of 57 of the most representative articles of this time period and separates the 25 years into 5 different stages, with summaries to highlight the unique characteristics of each stage, as a reference for understanding the development of the Federation.
Sale Price: S$25

Records the developments and achievements of the Federation in the past 25 years.
Sale Price: S$25

History of Clan Associations in Singapore
Published in English and Chinese, this publication is separated into volume 1 and 2, which documents 203 locality and kinship clan associations, including the clan associations’ history, publications and activities, clansmen international conventions, clan-sponsored schools, cemeteries and temples. Readers can expect to gain a deeper insight of their own clans and also deepen their understanding of the Singapore Chinese Community.
Sale Price: S$60

Who’s Who In The Chinese Community of Singapore
This book records 1175 outstanding figures of the Singapore Chinese community, spanning from 1819 to 1990.
Sale Price: S$30

History of the Chinese Clan Associations in Singapore
This book collects more than 300 historical pictorials, reflecting the society of the past, and presenting a systematic introduction of the development history of the clan associations.
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This book consists of the general history of the Singapore Chinese, and systematically introduces the formation, development and changes of the Chinese community since the early days of Singapore till independence.
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This book documents many interesting pictures of the Singapore Chinese cultural and social activities, reflecting Singapore’s society and culture in the past, most of which have ceased to exist.
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This book is written in English and Chinese, explaining the significance and methods of celebration for the eight main Chinese festivals. It also includes the practices for the 4 important milestones in life which is birth, birthday (寿), marriage and death.
Sale Price: S$4

The first book of the Chinese Cultural Series published by the Federation’s Academic Department introduces the Federation in a simple and easy-to-understand way.
Sale Price: S$6

The second book of the Chinese Cultural Series published by the Federation’s Academic Department introduces stories including the less-known part of history, Fort Canning Park, St. John’s Island, Elgin Bridge, the Rickshaw and the Chinese buses.
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The third book of the Chinese Cultural Series published by the Federation’s Academic Department depicts the relationship between the temples and Chinese culture and introduces six old temples of origin and uniqueness including Thian Hock Keng, Yueh Hai Ching Temple, Hong San See Temple, Jade Emperor Temple, Po Chiak Keng and Shuang Lin Monastery.
Sale Price: S$12
In August 2005, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) started publishing monthly periodicals, which focus on reporting the events and happenings related to SFCCA and its member associations. The periodicals functioned as a communication platform between the Federation and its members associations, which proved to be instrumental in promoting greater cooperation between member associations as well as their own development as a whole.
With internet fast growing to be the most popular mode of information and communication in the recent years, 《宗乡简讯》ceased its print publication in January 2012 after a total of 74 issues. The activities of the Federation and its members have since been published on SFCCA’s website.