SFCCA has launched “Singapore Chinese: Then and Now” Virtual History Gallery. The rich history of the Chinese community is presented in seven galleries. These include the early lives of Chinese settlers, how they planted their roots, Chinese Festivals, and traditions: the development of the Chinese community, and the contributions of SFCCA and clan associations, and the Challenges ahead. SFCCA hopes to transcend geographical barriers and spur greater interest among the public, especially the youth, to learn about and from our past to understand the salience of championing the Chinese legacy for generations to come. For more information, please visit:  https://sfcca.sg/sgchinesehistorygallery


Gallery 1 – Our Roots: History behind the waves of emigration from China to Nanyang

Gallery 2 – Migration to Southeast Asia: Journey of the Chinese migrants to Singapore

Gallery 3 – Sharing Responsibilities Rain or Shine: Rise of the clan associations

Gallery 4 – Education: Establishment of schools

Gallery 5 – Settling Down and Taking Root: Leaders of the Chinese community

Gallery 6 – Unification of Clan Associations: Revitalisation of clan associations and the establishment of SFCCA

Gallery 7 – Challenges Ahead: The future development and outlook of clan associations

For more information, please visit:  https://sfcca.sg/sgchinesehistorygallery