
72岁的扎玛尔·杜启明(Djamal Tukimin)是一部马来文化的活字典。他创作诗、小说、戏剧、马来文学和艺术评论,至今出版了一部小说《宗教老师》(IMAM),两本诗集 《第九座高峰》(Punchak Sembilan, 1975)和 《努山达拉之诗》(Puisi-Puisi),一本有关传统马来诗(班顿)的集子,四个剧本和两部有关马来作家和马来戏剧及表演艺术家的研究和评论。
他撰写的战后马来戏剧的发展史在我国是标准的参考书。他的讽刺剧《敦敦王梦里的黑水牛》(Seekor Kerbau Hitam Legam Dalam Mimpi Sang Pangeran Tom Tom)于1993年由我国资深的马来剧团Perkumpulan Seni搬上舞台。扎玛尔所创作的以伊斯兰教为主题的诗备受赞赏。南洋理工大学国家教育学院副教授哈蒂佳·拉赫马(Hadijah Rahmat)在她一篇论文中这样分析扎玛尔的诗:“扎玛尔试图通过对大自然和各种文化因素来探索有关宗教的课题。他也会在他创作的诗,包括以宗教为主题的作品里头描述妇女的形象。”
扎玛尔在1963年即出版一本短篇小说集,收 录多篇有关本地马来人的社会问题和困境。70年 代他成立一个叫GRUP GELORASA的诗社,通过 创作、讨论彼此的诗、在户外朗诵等形式,希望提 高普罗大众对诗的欣赏能力。
辛勤耕耘50多年,扎玛尔的成就终于得到认可。2007年荣获马来文学界最重要的敦斯里拉朗奖(Tun Seri Lanang Award),2015年荣获由泰国公主颁发的群岛诗人奖(Archipelago Poet Award),2017获得我国国家艺术理事会颁发的文化奖(Cultural Medallion)。
扎玛尔在芽笼士乃(Geylang Serai) 出生,长大并一直住到70年代末。80年代因市区重建全家搬去大成巷 (Lorong Tai Seng),对老家念念不忘。“搬 家后我哭了好几天。芽笼是马来文化的核心和精神之家。我很想写一部有关这地区的小说。”扎玛尔把思乡之情宣泄在他最出名的诗《思念芽笼士乃的小孩》(Betapapun Nyanyian Rindunya Si Amak Geylang Serai)。全诗长达100多行,镶上玻璃镜框挂在他家客厅的墙上。芽笼士乃在六、七十年代是马来人集聚的地区,在当时属于繁华的地带。
小时候他父亲在公车总站卖沙爹(烤肉串),因家穷他穿拖鞋上学。中二因父亲去世而退学。好学的他大量阅读历史书、有关伊斯兰教的哲学书和多位著名诗人的作品,特别欣赏Masuri SN, Usman Awang。他挑起养家的担子,先是打杂,闲时到新加坡第一间工艺学校学木工,毕业后在一间工艺学校教授木工。
2009年到2011年扎玛尔应邀在马来西亚国家大学(National University of Malaysia)的马来世界及文明研究院(Malay World and Civilisation Institute)担任驻校研究员,麦穆娜每天到他的办公室,在一张小桌子旁边写诗。她写了千多首班顿,已结集成书。
我问他现今马来人的情况如何?他说比以前好得多。“新加坡的马来人是全世界最好的马来人。”他希望马来文化与艺术在这里蓬勃成长。“我正在收集资料,希望出版一部 200年来马来戏剧的发展史。” 他目前正在写一部有关世界各地杰出的马来艺术家的集子。
The five-room flat of author Djamal Tukimin in Yishun looked a little dark in the sunless afternoon but the minute I stepped into the sitting room I was drawn to the books that filled it. Djamal has a collection of 15,000 books. Some of them are so rare that Malaysian PhD students have come all the way to ask for permission to make a photocopy.
72-year-old Djamal is a walking encyclopedia of Malay culture. He has published two poetry collections, a tome on Pantun – traditional Malay poetry, a novel, a collection of short stories, four plays and at least two research books on Malay writers and performing artists. On his poems, Associate Professor Hadijah Rahmat said: “Djamal made an attempt to explore religious themes by combining it with nature and cultural elements. He also uses images of women in his poems, including his religious poems.” When asked why he favoured Islamic themes, he said that religion was the only consistent factor in one’s life in order to seek a safe and meaningful journey.” He likes Pantun and said it was the most beautiful genre of poetry in the world with its subtlety and the use of metaphor.
Djamal has received the Tun Seri Lanang Awardthe highest literary award in Malay literary field. He has also been conferred the Archipelago Poet Award given by the King of Thailand and the Cultural Medallion given by the Singapore Government. Djamal regards the awards as Alah’s special gift to him and is pleased with them because they give him confidence and the fund to publish new works. He grew up in Geylang Serai and after moving to Lorong Tai Seng, missed it so much that he cried for days. He was inspired to write his famous long poem about his longing for the old place (Betapapun Nyanyian Rindunya Si Amak Geylang Serai).
Djamal came from a poor family and after his father had passed away, shouldered the responsibility of caring for his family. He took on odd jobs, trained to be a carpenter and taught wood-work. Later on he hosted Malay Culture program on radio, wrote column for Malay newspaper and even did translation from English to Malay and Indonesian for clients. From 2009 to 2011 he was Fellow at the Malay World and Civilization Institute of the National University of Malaysia. His wife Maimunah has also written more than a thousand poems in Pantun.
Djamal said Singapore was the original spot for Malay culture and arts and that Sir Stamford Raffles had been instrumental in getting precious Malay resources translated from Malay to English. When asked what he thought about the state of Malays here, he said there was improvement over the years and declared proudly that “The Malays here are the best Malays in the world.” He hopes that Malay culture and art will thrive in Singapore. He writes for long hours daily and said that he would die if he could not write.