
薛永黍的长子薛承明:父亲是一位值得敬仰和怀念的长辈 (莫美颜摄)
1948年薛永黍因批准华中与南洋女中的学生自治会5月4日在华中大礼堂举办五四纪念会而引起殖民地政府不满,迫使董事会要求薛永黍制止学生开纪念会。 薛永黍宁可辞职也不愿收回成命,董事会迫于无奈只好接受他的辞呈。



这起“昆兴事件”共逮捕了15人,其中三人问话后获释,12人继续被扣押,薛永黍是当中一个。薛永黍本来身体健壮,只是有胃病,扣留期间由于生活条件很差,以致他的健康每况愈下。他曾写信给政治部主任要求让他到中央医院或延请医生到拘留所为他治病,却未获回音。直到他病情恶化时,棋樟山难友联合签名,声称若不让 薛永黍就医将全体绝食,殖民地政府当局才送他到中央医院求医。结果薛永黍入院几天后就去世了。
The unforgettable principal of Hwa Chong
Recollections of See Seng Min of his father Sy Eng Su
Time flies. Established in 1919 and now already 6 years as an express integrated programme school, Hwa Chong Institution will be celebrating its 100th anniversary next year. Hwa Chong has produced innumerable elites, and is now an educational institution of solid repute.Established by the diligence and efforts of many, especially the founder Tan Kah Kee, there were many commendable contributors, one of which is the 10th principal Mr. Sy Eng Su, aka Sy Ong Sway (1889 – 1951). It was from his eldest son, See Seng Min (78 year), who shared his collection of newspaper cuttings and memorabilia, we can now reacquaint ourselves with his admirable work.
Sy Eng Su, from Fujian Province, JinMen County, had his early education in the United states, University of Michigan graduating with a Bachelors degree in Education and a Masters Degree in History. In 1937 with the recommendation of a fellow countyman Tay Koh Yat, he was appointed the Principal of Hwa Chong. On assuming the post, he abolished the old style of management, especially corporal punishment, and established a liberal and open wall newspaper. Also permitted the students to self-manage their hostels, food selection, free choice of their daily livelihood and encouraging open notice boards for their views. Teachers were recruited for their dedication and diligence regardless of political leaning. However, teachers must adhere strictly to the rule that no politics are allowed in the classrooms. There were claims that Sy was reputed to be the “overseas Cai YuanPei”.
After the end of the Second World War, the Chairman of Hwa Chong Lee Kong Chian re-appointed Sy as Principal to rebuild the school.Sy was extremely public-spirited in nature, rallying the students to support Tan Kah Kee’s call to fight the Japanese invasion of China. Just before the fall of Singapore, he also campaigned openly for teachers’ severance pay to adequately meet living costs. In 1938, together with Gao PeiShan and Zhang MingCi, he established a Teachers Union to improve the welfare of Chinese language teachers and assist students in further studies in China. In 1948, because of Sy’s approving students from Hwa Chong and Nanyang Girls High to hold a “May 4th Movement” commemorative gathering in Hwa Chong’s assembly hall, incurred the wrath of the British colonial government who demanded that Sy stop the gathering. Sy stuck to his principle, rather to resign than to rescind his approval. The Board of Directors had no choice but to accept his resignation.
From 1937 till 1948, during this 11 years as principal of Hwa Chong, Sy was much beloved and respected by both students and staff. See Seng Min showed several school magazine articles and photographs all extolling the dedication and humane virtues of Sy. In particular, teacher Shen WenBing recalled the three post-war years from 1946 – 1948 were glorious years in Hwa Chong’s history; examples of which included the first Boy Scout troop in a Chinese medium school, teaching in English which produced excellent bi-lingual students, and lead in sporting achievements. Another great teacher, Ye FanFeng recalled Sy’s great spirit from patriotism for China and loving care for his students. In fact, both Ye and Xue were cellmates in prison for the “Kun Xing Incident”.
Kun Xing Incident
Had Sy Eng Su been alive today, he would be 127 years old, but he passed away aged 62 years, on 10th November 1951 at the Singapore General Hospital 67 years ago.
In an early morning on 25th June 1950, a troop of police arrested Sy and he was never to set foot in his home again. At that time, Sy was Manager and Treasurer of the Kun Xing Rubber Trading Company, after having resigned as principal of Hwa Chong.
The 1950’s was a period when the Korean War was at a peak. A group of businessmen decided to support China’s fight with USA by supplying to China a shipment of much-needed raw rubber, which was an embargoed material. It was a highly risky undertaking. The British were naturally allied to the Americans and enforced the embargo. On 12th April 1951, the British airforce spotted the freighter Nancy Moller near Hainan Island. The vessel was carrying a cargo of rubber for the Kun Xing Rubber Trading Co. destined for China. All 15 crew members on the vessel were arrested, amongst which was Sy Eng Su. His health was good at that time, but developed stomach ailment in the harsh conditions when detained. He was denied for medical treatment in spite of repeated requests.
His condition worsened intolerably, until all the cellmates petitioned for his treatment or they shall go on a hunger strike. Only then, the prison authorities relented and transferred Sy to SGH. Sadly, he passed away after a few days in hospital. His funeral was attended by hundreds, even mourned by inmates in Saint John’s Island and thousands of overseas Chinese in the Zhong Shan Memorial Garden in Beijing.
See Seng Min recalls, “My father was married twice, his first wife also had an education in USA. Because she bore no children, father remarried Yang LianYe. She is 100 years of age and bore him two boys and three girls, of which I am eldest.” When Sy Eng Su was principal of Hwa Chong he was provided with a family quarters in Haw Par Building within the school’s compound. After he resigned, the school workers constructed an attap house for them, which is near the today’s swimming pool. The family’s tight financial circumstances were alleviated with help from Lee Kong Chian and Zhuang Pi Tang, and a donation of $2000 from China Democratic League. In addition, Hwa Chong provided free secondary education to the children. His mother worked as a seamstress to supplement the family income.
Sy Eng Su left a strong legacy which is rich and memorable. Seng Min often reminds his children of their grandfather’s contribution. In 1995, he brought them to the launch of the book “Famous Historical Figures of Singapore Chinese” in which Sy Eng Su was featured.
See Seng Min concludes, “ My father was a personality who won the respect and admiration of his peers.”
Translated by Kwan Yue Keng