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In this interview, Professor Eddie Kuo Chen-Yu who is currently Academic Advisor to Singapore University of Social Sciences, told Goh Beng Choo his thoughts on the trends in the development of the Chinese community in Singapore. He noted that in the 1990s, the rate of immigration increased in large numbers as a result of government policy. Among the Chinese immigrants Malaysian Chinese were the majority, followed by Mainland Chinese immigrants.
In the early years immigrants from China hailed from Southern China. Those who migrated to Singapore after 1990 came from regions other than the South such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Northern China. From1980s onwards batches of Chinese youths came over to continue their education and many of them completed university education, worked, settled down here and became Singapore citizens.
Singaporean Chinese is a diverse group with differences in language. In the early days the disparity between the Chinese educated Chinese and their English-educated counterparts was great, with little communication between the two camps. However, in the 21st century members of these two groups have retired and no longer occupy a significant position either socially or economically. With English as the main official and working language and the success of bilingual education, the gap between the Chinese community has closed.
The current traditional Chinese community comprises Chinese-language organisations such as the Chinese-language newspapers, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations and clan associations. There are 300 odd clan associations in Singapore, of which 226 are members of SFCCA. The “new immigrants” have set up their own clan associations and nine of them are members of SFCCA. However, many clan associations face a problem of recruiting young people as older members age. Prof. Kuo has noticed that new immigrants have been deeply involved in the local cultural and literary scenes and have made outstanding contributions. Both Tan Ruirong, chief editor of Yuan magazine and Ou Yali, editor cum reporter of the same magazine are new immigrants. From the perspective of Chinese language milieu, he thinks this is a good phenomenon and that their involvement and participation are important. In the numerous talks and forums he has visited or taken part in in the past 20, 30 years, he has observed that in the early years, the audiences were mainly Chinese-educated people who would stand up and vent their grouses in strong tone, whereas the current audiences are new immigrants who would raise questions and take part in discussion after the talks. They are inclined to express their personal views about the topics covered. The new immigrants are an important segment in the Chinese population of Singapore. Their involvement in various fields looks set to increase. They are significant in the preservation and development of our Chinese culture in the long run. What direction would they take and how they and the older local Chinese can achieve successful communication and fusion are concerns worthy of our attention.