Membership Application

Membership Fees
Ordinary Member/Associate Member: $200 per annum
- The membership fee is due by March 31 each year;
- New members shall make payment for the year once membership has been accepted.
Application procedures
Fill out the membership application form and provide relevant documentation
- Documentation from Registry of Singapore (ROS) or Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Singapore (ACRA)
- Constitution
A Member shall cease to be a Member of the SFCCA in the following events:-
- Being an organisation, a resolution shall have been duly passed or an Order of Court of the competent jurisdiction or an Order or Notice of the competent authority made for the dissolution or winding-up or cessation of the organisation as the case may be.
- Any receiving or adjudication order in bankruptcy is made against the Member.
- The subscription fee and/or financial contribution is one (1) year in arrears and the Member thereafter fails to pay such fee or contribution within one (1) month from the date on which written notice requiring payment thereof is sent to the Member.
- A notice in writing is sent to the SFCCA by the Member resigning from the membership and which notice is accepted by the Council. Notwithstanding this, a resigning Member is liable for all its obligations including financial commitments made prior to the effective date of its resignation.
Ordinary Member
Any other Chinese clan association, duly registered or incorporated under any law in Singapore, may apply to join the SFCCA as an Ordinary Member.
Associate Member
Any Chinese community group, duly registered or incorporated under any law in Singapore, and whose objects are consistent with that of the SFCCA’s, may apply to join the SFCCA as an Associate Member. An Associate Member does not have the right to vote at any General Meeting of the SFCCA.
Registration Information
Details of Association’s President