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Introduction to I Ching (Book of Changes)

【Member’s Event】The Academy of Confucian Learning will be holding “Introduction to I Ching (Book of Changes)” classes starting from 28 November 2021. The lessons will be lectured by Dr Lin Wei Yi, National University of Singapore Philosophy PhD cum Researcher in Confucius Research Institute of RenMin University of China. The lecture will be introducing I Ching (Book of Changes) from an academic pathway, starting from understanding the name “Zhou Yi (Changes of Zhou)” to studying I Ching (Book of Changes) itself. Registration is required, those interested may sign up through kongzi.org.sg. Please click the poster below for more information.

📅日期 Date:28.11.2021(星期天 Sun)

⌚️时间 Time:上午 10am – 中午 12pm 

💻平台 Platform:Zoom

💰费用Fee:S$100(10讲 Lessons)

☎️ 询问电话 Number: 6338 5110

📧 电邮 Email:admin@kongzi.org.sg

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