Close to 1500 participants joined in the 11th National Day Sing-along

Organised by SFCCA on 30 July 2017 for the 11th year, the Sing-along session was held at Toa Payoh HDB Hub Mall Square which attracted close to 1500 participants.

Goodies bags provided by the organisers

Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence Mr Ong Ye Kung as our Guest-of-Honour for the event.

Minister Ong Ye Kung accompanied by SFCCA President Mr Chua Thian Poh arriving at the event venue

Group photo with Minister Ong, SFCCA Council members and students

Celebration to commence with our National Anthem. Everyone rose and stood at attention upon hearing the anthem, singing our national anthem with pride. Celebrating Singapore’s 52nd birthday together!

All standing at attention to sing the National Anthem together

Reciting the pledge together

The atmosphere of the event was hyped up to the highest point with the efforts of the enthusiastic emcees, Gan Yu Thian, Bukoh Mary and Kenneth Kong. The crowds were all singing at their top voices, waving the national flags and swaying to the music, a lively and festive atmosphere at the scene.

From left: Gan Yu Thian, Mary Bukoh and Kenneth Kong

There was a total of 50 students from Bartley Secondary School and Wellington Primary School Choirs this year to perform for the event with singing to all of our familiar national day songs such as Stand Up for Singapore, Home, Count on Me Singapore, etc.

Performance by Bartley Secondary School choir and Wellington Primary School choir

One of the highlights was  having student volunteers from NTU Welfare Services club (NTUWSC)- Deaf Community to perform some segment of the songs using sign language.  Spreading the awareness and teaching simple sign languages to the participants. With the guide of NTUWSC Volunteers, the audiences learnt the sign language to the songs of One People, One Nation, One Singapore and famous Chinese pop song《城里的月光》, gesturing the signs with the melodious beats of these songs.

Students from NTU Welfare Services Club (NTUWSC) – Deaf Community teaching the crowd sign language

There was also a Song Guessing Game during the event whereby the audiences could participate in guessing the song name through the first few note of the song introduction, and participants were encouraged to sing a few verses of that song.The audiences were entertained and interaction were enhanced as many were motivated to join in the game.

Actively participating in song guessing quiz

Our friends from other races were also attracted to join in the celebration

The 11th Sing-along ended with a finale song of Singapore’s Favourite “Home” with audiences joining the emcees and guests on stage to sing out our love towards Singapore.