The second generation of the immigrants deepen their roots in Singapore after spending their growing up years attending local schools and institution here. After graduation, they find work, get married and set up their families in Singapore. Questions as to the differences on how these second generation felt about their hometown and new home as compared to their parents were being answered during the recent “Singapore Society” Series Seminar. Other questions such as what kind of impacts the two environments and cultures had brought onto them and how they cultivated their sense of belonging towards Singapore were also being shared.

The recent seminar conducted on 14th May 2016 highlighted on the “Stories of the Second Generation”. Four speakers were invited to share their stories. They are Du Yinghao, Business Consultant, Hua Jingjing, Business Analyst, Liu Qian, Civil Servant and Chen Yucheng who has just graduated. They immigrated to Singapore from either China or Hong Kong when they were young. They attended schools here, served their NS. Some also went overseas for higher education. They shared their processes of how they assimilate into local society and some of their stories living here.