On behalf of the Chinese Community in Singapore, I mourn the loss of the Founding Father of Singapore, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, with a heavy heart. I would also like to send our deepest condolences to the family and relatives on the passing of the late Mr Lee. The international Community will grief together with Singapore.

The late Mr Lee Kuan Yew dedicated his whole life building Singapore. He led the country through the turbulent past and rapidly transformed the nation to what it is today. Without the wisdom and far-sightedness of this Chief Architect of the modern Singapore, Singaporeans would not be able to experience the peace and prosperity that they are enjoying today.

The late Mr Lee had always placed the interest of the nation and its people as the prime objective and guiding principle in developing policies to grow Singapore. His visionary thinking and uncanny ability to make critical decisions at the right time ensured Singapore’s survival as a nation. They demonstrated a man with extraordinary courage and determination, and his legacy would be firmly ingrained in the hearts of generations of Singaporeans to come.

As we celebrate our 50 years of nation building this year, it is with deepest regret that our Founding Father, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, would not be present to celebrate with us. Let us take this opportunity to remember his remarkable achievements and continue to build on his success. May Mr Lee Kuan Yew rest in peace.