Home/Oneness #49, Oneness Magazine, /“联合国”饺子异彩纷呈



文│陈爱薇    图│陈爱薇、品牌提供



“Gyoza”是饺子的日语发音,当地以煎饺为主,馅料通常有猪肉、大蒜和白菜等,一般会蘸点酱油、醋或辣椒油。Gyoza成功在全球走红,西方大城市如伦敦、纽约、巴黎都有饺子吧“Gyoza Bar”,新加坡也不例外。




30 Sembawang Drive, Sun Plaza #B1-10

5 Straits View, Marina One The Heart #B2-29 

CIMB Plaza #B1-29


2018年在厦门街开业的Dumpling Darlings,从招牌到内部装潢都以霓虹灯为元素,整体概念展现了年轻活力和点子,跟想象中的中式饺子馆很不同。疫情之后,勇于创新的年轻夫妇在克拉码头一带开了第二家门店。它的菜单像联合国,很有意思。

韩式蔬菜饺(Veggie Mandu)的馅料有菠菜、豆腐、花菇、韩式辣酱、泡菜和大蒜蛋黄酱。“Mandu”也译为“馒头”,是韩语对饺子和包子的通称,以肉和菜为馅,也可加上泡菜和粉丝等。传统韩式饺子是两个角粘在一起成圆圆胖胖的样子,像一个福袋,在韩国有祝愿新年多福的含义。

咖喱植物肉(Karana Momo)以新加坡品牌“Karana”的植物肉为馅,品牌与斯里兰卡小农场合做,将当地生产的菠萝蜜加工为植物肉丝和肉碎。这款饺子混合咖喱香料、椰菜花和希腊酸奶。“Momo”也译为“馍馍”,是从西藏流传到尼泊尔、不丹和印度等喜玛拉雅山区的面食,外形近似饺子或小笼包,馅料多以水牛肉为主,加上咖喱粉、干乳酪、番茄和包菜等。

波兰炸饺(Fried Pierogi)内有烟熏培根、松露马铃薯、焦糖洋葱、切达芝士(Cheddar cheese)和是拉差辣椒酱(Sriracha Crema)。“Pierogi”是指波兰饺子,多呈半圆形,有菜、肉和芝士馅三种,以水煮为主,也有烤或煎成金黄色。





44 Amoy Street / 86 Circular Road


市区有家主打东欧料理的餐馆Kapitan,老板出身乌兰克,持俄罗斯护照,早年从事海事相关工作,2004年举家到新加坡定居。太太最初居家制作饺子,2019年在丹戎巴葛开外带小铺Ang Moh Dumplings,开设餐馆后命名Dumplings.RU,2020年易名为Kapitan。






32 Maxwell Road #01-05 Maxwell Chambers 


The Han’s Dumplings售卖清真饺子和粽子,由来自哈尔滨的男子与新加坡马来太太一起经营。除了网售,不时也会参加商场的展摊。



Small bites with big flavours

Dumplings are part of many cultures’ cuisines.

Here are some varieties that can be sampled in Singapore.

Translation: Hong Xinyi

★ Dumpling Darlings ★

The first branch of this trendy eatery opened 2018 in Amoy Street. Its menu includes Korean-style veggie mandu (with gochujang and Korean pickles); Karana momo, a style of dumpling found in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and India, and made here with plant-based meat; Polish-style fried pierogi; as well as dumplings with Peranakan and Cantonese flavours. There are even dessert dumplings, which have amaretto, cream cheese, vanilla and poached pears, and are served with Tasmanian ice cream. Prices range from $8 to $12 for a single type of five dumplings, and $22 for an assortment of 15 dumplings.

44 Amoy Street

86 Circular Road

★ The Han’s Dumplings ★

The Han’s Dumplings的清真冷冻饺子加热后即可食用,风味不亚于现蒸。

Opened by a man originally from Harbin and his Singaporean Malay wife, this business offers halal dumplings and rice dumplings. It takes orders through its website, and occasionally appears as a shopping-mall booth. Adapting from the pork-and-celery filling of dumplings found in northeast China, its dumplings are made with chicken, beef and prawns. Prices range from $12 to $16 for a box of 15 frozen dumplings.


★ Gyoza-san ★

Gyoza are Japanese-style potstickers, and typically filled with pork, garlic and cabbage, and served with soya sauce, vinegar or chilli oil. This Singapore brand is halal-certified, and its base filling is made with chicken instead. Prices range from $5.90 to $7.50 for a serving of six gyozas. Check out the Thai, Korean, mala, chilli crab and unagi variations.

30 Sembawang Drive, Sun Plaza #B1-10 

5 Straits View, Marina One The Heart #B2-29

CIMB Plaza #B1-29

★ Kapitan ★

This restaurant specialises in Eastern European cuisine, which includes dumplings found in the cuisine of Ukraine, Poland and Russia. Kapitan’s dumplings come in a range of colours, each with different fillings. Choose from salmon, lamb, pork, cheese, potato, beef and chicken. Prices range from $12 to $14 for a single type of five dumplings, and an assortment of eight flavours for $18. The mala and salted egg flavours cost an extra $2.

32 Maxwell Road #01-05 Maxwell Chambers