纳街(Club Street)街尾有一栋刷上白色的建筑物,典雅壮观。建筑外墙绘制了一幅很大的壁画,上面绘有陈延谦、邱国瓦、林文庆、李光前等先驱人物,本地华社百年史历历在目。眼前是成立于1905年,已有百多年历史的吾庐俱乐部(Goh Loo Club)。

吾庐俱乐部的重获新生,有陈庆力(63岁,Tan Keng Leck)的努力和付出。
陈庆力是吾庐俱乐部现任主席,他也是先贤陈延谦(Tan Ean Khiam,1881-1943)的孙子,陈笃山(Tan Tock San,1925-2008)的儿子。他为人低调谦卑,有人请他以文字介绍自己,他拖了好几天才简单地写了几行字:

此外,陈延谦还独资开发东海岸路旁一片荒地,1927年起在那里兴建住屋、店屋,历时6年把它发展成一个聚落,这就是今日仍然保留原貌的延谦坊(Ean Kiam Place)。

这次笔者是在菲立街(Phillip Street)一栋大厦的办公室访问陈庆力。大厦为陈笃山所建,命名陈延谦大厦(Tan Ean Kiam Building)。
陈庆力有多方面的兴趣,有关宗教、哲学、身心灵、励志和易经等他都有涉及,年轻时还想过拍电影。“现在年纪大了,拍不了电影,拍动漫还可以。”目前他正在着手制作《悲悯大地》(Land of Mercy)动漫。《悲悯大地》是中国作家范稳继《水乳大地》之后推出的第二部描写藏区宗教、历史及民族文化的长篇小说。小说的英译版本已由陈庆力所经营的仁钦宝典出版社出版。此外,陈庆力也为歌曲填词,制作过一张佛教音乐CD《一念莲华》。
Recollections of a father’s dedication to a Club – Interview with Tan Keng Leck
At one end of Club Street in Chinatown stands a whitewashed building – traditional yet dignified. On the side of an external wall is a mural painted with the likes of Tan Ean Kiam, Lim Boon Keng and Lee Kong Chian, early notable Chinese personalities. This is the historical Goh Loo Club, founded in 1905. Upon the main entrance one sees the imposing calligraphy of “GOH LOO” written by Tao Wen Bo, the secretary to Dr Sun Yat Sen. Once inside the main hall are many couplets extolling the name of Goh Loo. In particular, a masterful calligraphy piece by Qing Dynasty scholar Zhu Ru Zheng dedicated to Tan Ean Kiam which reads fervently “We all love our Goh Loo”. Further in, a brush drawing by internationally renowned artist Shen Qi Zhao of a spirited black horse. In this peaceful environment, members enjoy many quiet recreation.
Revival of Goh Loo Club
In the pre-War period, Goh Loo club was one of the most prominent Chinese club. Its members were generous donators to Sun Yat Sen’s 1911 Revolution. During the war against Japan the club raised substantial funds for the Mainland’s war efforts. The period from the 1940’s till 1990’s was the Club’s prime period. Towards the ending of the 90’s, the club’s management fell into severe neglect. It was not until 2016, like a phoenix arising from the ashes that Goh Loo began a series of cultural and social activities which revived members interest. The vigorous rejuvenation of the Club was the effort of Tan Keng Leck.
Tan Keng Leck is the present chairman of Goh Loo Club. He is the grandson of Tan Ean Kiam (1881 – 1943) and son of Tan Tock San (1925 – 2008). A man of humble demeanour, he is self-deprecating in spite of his many worthy esteemed contributions to many social organisations. His work in the revival of Goh Loo Club was exemplary of his keen public spirit, and his dedicated desire to fulfil his father’s wish in reviving the Club. In 2010 he started his mission accordingly. After settling the legalities of the property of the Club’s premises, he and Mr Li Ming Zheng jointly made their plans. After securing a loan of $4million from banks, the rebuilding works began in earnest. In 2016 the renovation was completed. It was such a wonder of architectural accomplishment that it received the award from the Urban Redevelopment Authority’s Architectural Heritage Award that year.
Grandfather Tan Ean Kiam – a renowned banker
Tan Keng Leck has a great admiration for his grandfather and father. Grandfather Tan Ean Kiam did not have a very high education having left school at the age of 15. Inspite of this, his great entrepreneurial spirit led him to become a renowned banker. Oversea Chinese Bank was founded by him together with Lim Boon Keng, Lim Nee Soon, SK Tan and others. At the same time he developed an extensive rubber business.
Tan Ean Kiam was a leading member of several organisations, amongst which was the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, which he served from 1919 to 1930; founded the Tung An District Guild in 1931; from 1937 to 1942 appointed to the Straits Settlements Chinese Affairs Bureau and the Chinese Protectorate. In the Goh Loo Club, he served as Chairman from 1929 to 1942, during which together with Chew Kok Wah, they bought the club.
Wan Qing Yuan is a revered centre of Dr Sun Yat Sen’s revolutionary endeavours while in Singapore. In 1937, Tan Ean Kiam together with another five members of the Tong Meng Hui, viz Lee Kong Chian, Lee Chin Tian, Chew Hean Swee, Lee Chor Seng and Yeo Kiat Tiow, bought the building and later handed over to the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
One of Tan Ean Kiam’s favourite hobby is composing Chinese poems. His poetry has been compiled into a volume called the “Zhi Yuan collection”. Tan Keng Leck admits that up till now, he is unable to completely understand and interpret his grandfather’s poetry, but it is believed that he has derived lots of wisdom from the diverse topics which those poems covered.
In an area off the East Coast Road there is a place called Ean Kiam Place. Originally an unused piece of land which Tan Ean Kiam bought and then developed. Most of the original buildings still stand. Today, part of the revenue from this development forms the funds for the Tan Ean Kiam Foundation, whose beneficiaries include National Kidney Foundation, Thong Chai Hospital and a scholarship for the Medical Faculty in the National University Hospital.
Father Tan Tock San’s public service
Tan Tock San (1925 – 2008), father of Tan Keng Leck, is the third son of Tan Ean Kiam. He became a banker in 1963; becoming a director in Overseas Chinese Bank in 1969. Like his father, he is extremely active in many public institutions and social organisations. The medical institutions he supported included Thong Chai Medical Institute, Sian Chay Medical Institute and SATA; educational institutions included Ngee Ann Polytechnic, National Arts Council, Dunman Secondary School Board, Chong Hwa Girls High School, Hwa Chong Institution, Nanyang Girls School and Tan Kah Kee Scholarship Committee amongst many others. He was active in grassroots organisations like Mountbatten Citizens Consultative Committee and Mountbatten Community Centre Committee. In 1994 he was awarded a Justice of the Peace by the Singapore President.
Tan Tock San married Lim Fei (1926 – 2011). She was born in XiaMen , China and the eldest daughter of Lin Hui Xiang (1901 – 1958) an anthropology professor from Taiwan. Lim Fei was bilingual in Chinese and English, worked as an educator and also as a translator.
The author conducted the interview for this article with Tan Keng Leck at his office at the Tan Ean Kiam Building in Philip Street. Tan Keng Leck, together with his brother and three sisters are equally modest and humble. But all equally dedicated to philanthropy and public service.
(Translated by Kwan Yue Keng)