
也许是受父亲影响吧,黄一雄立志投身金融保险业。高中毕业后,他负笈英伦,并获得英国特许保险学会(The Chartered Insurance Institute)的会员资格。5年后他设立了自己的公司,鼓励到英国谋生的华工与人合资创业。不少华工在他的协助下梦想成真致富,“新加坡阿黄”的称号在英国不胫而走。
The Furtherance of My Father’s Legacy
The Desire of Ng Eet Hiong
On 28th October 2018, the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre held a two-day senior citizens charity concert “Sing along with you”. Among major contributors to this concert was a white-haired couple – 80 year old Ng Eet Hiong and 75 year old Wai Kok. When the couple, who were great singing enthusiasts, heard that their fellow singers wanted to have a performance, both agreed to organise one for them, so that they can fulfil their desire to display their singing talents. At the same time used the concert as a charity fund raiser for the Sian Chay Medical Institution – a charitable medical clinic established in 1901.
The total expenses for the whole concert, amounting to about $30,000, was met by Mr Ng and his wife. They even hired a public accounting firm to keep the books, thus ensuring accountability and transparency. As for admission tickets, the audience can donate any amount to the Sian Chay Medical Institution. Through their extensive contacts and networking, Mr and Mrs Ng managed to raise over $140,000 from the two-night concert.
When asked, why don’t they settle down to a quiet retirement instead of involving themselves in such demanding charity work, Mr Ng happily replied that he was inspired by his father’s public spirit. He wishes to emulate his father’s philanthropic spirit in making the finances of Sian Chay Medical Institution so strong as to enable it to carry out its clinical functions as widely as possible; reaching out more to the poor and spreading universal care.
Ng Eet Hiong is the only son of Ng Aik Huang (1908 -1985), who was the Chairman of Sian Chay Medical Institution 54th and 55th Management committee(1960 -1963) . Ng Aik Huang was born in Nan An County, FuJian Province, China. He left China at the age of 15 year old for Singapore to start a career as a trader. His initial business was trading in fresh fruits, daily-use household products, dried foodstuff, wine & spirits and raw rubber. Later on, he ventured into the insurance business, finally becoming Executive Director of the Asia Insurance Co. Pte Ltd. upon his passing. He passed away on 23rd June 1985. The then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew immediately went to pay his respects at the wake. He told reporters that Mr Ng had taken on heavy responsibilities for the future of the Chinese community; and that he was a very fluent orator in the Hokkien dialect.
Ng Aik Huang spent a majority of his time in social work. Before WWII, he was Tan Kah Kee’s very capable assistant. They gathered at Ee Hoe Hean Club premises with Tan Lark Sye, Pan Shou and Ko Teck Kin to discuss community’s matters and settle disputes.
“The days when I was brought to Ee Hoe Hean, I observed Uncles Lark Sye, Teck Kin and all the elders busily conducting meetings. I was rather unhappy. When I saw their serious faces, I dare not make noise but sat quietly by myself in a corner doing my homework. When tiredness overcame me, I dozed off at times and when I woke, it would already be night time. It was then I would follow a rather grim-faced father back home.”
Ng Eet Hiong recalls the early death of his mother just after the War, and his father took extra care to keep his only son close to himself. He was fetched to Ee Hoe Hean immediately after school, a practice which continued till he reached secondary school. Ee Hoe Hean Club became very much a second home for the young Eet Hiong. A concerned and loving father, who spent his spare time talking to him, Eet Hiong felt that those days in Ee Hoe Hean were some of his happiest youthful days. The recollection at this stage was so moving for Eet Hiong, that his tears uncontrollably replaced his words.
Ng Aik Huang was one of Tan Lark Sye’s most constant supporter in the establishment of Nanyang University. From the opening of the University in 1956, he was an executive member for several terms, sometimes as treasurer, serving with great dedication. Eet Hiong also proudly recalls that besides his father’s remarkable efforts in Nanyang University, there was another matter which was unforgettable.
In 1962, when remains of the Japanese Occupation victims were discovered in many parts of Singapore, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce formed a committee to build a “Memorial to the Civilian Victims of the Japanese Occupation”. By virtue of him being a committee member of SCCC, Ng Aik Huang was given the responsibility of overseeing the excavation of the remains of the victims. He personally supervised the excavation works, instructing the workers to search thoroughly for all possible remains in their diggings. “My father is always that thorough, dedicated and diligent in all his endeavours”.
Ng Aik Huang served in a wide circle of social and communal organisations, which included the Singapore Lam Ann Association, Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan, Singapore Buddhist Federation, Nanyang Confucian Association, Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Straits Chinese China Relief Fund Committee, Singapore Chinese Anti-Japanese Movement, Singapore Chinese High School and raising funds for Mee Toh School.
Under the influence of his father, Eet Hiong, took up a career in insurance business. He went to England and obtained a membership of The Chartered Insurance Institute. Later, he set up his insurance company in England and helped many young Chinese establish themselves in their businesses. This continued for 12 years until 1970, with regards for his aging father, he returned to Singapore.
In teaching his children, Eet Hiong always emphasised his father’s virtues and humility in his conduct of his affairs. He also carried on his father’s work in the various associations and community organisations. With the support of his faithful wife Wai Kok, the couple enjoy their love for singing and dancing. They have raised a family of three daughters, a son and six grandchildren.
Ng Eet Hiong remembers his fathers advice “to have a family, to have a spouse, some wealth, this is life, be satisfied”.
(Translated by Kwan Yue Keng)