
Chinese Language and Culture Fund (CLCF) was first proposed by Mr Wee Cho Yaw, then President of Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) during a congratulatory dinner held to celebrate Mr Lee Hsien Loong becoming our Prime Minister.
During the dinner, Mr Wee announced that, SFCCA and Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCCI) would be setting up the CLCF to complement the change in policies for teaching Chinese language in order to promote the development of Chinese Language and Culture. The two organisations would set a fundraising target of ten million dollars, with the government supporting the fund with a dollar to dollar matching grant.
To date, the CLCF has raised a total of 14 million dollars which includes a 7-million grant from the government.
On 1st March 2006, the CLCF announced a set of rules and regulations governing the use of its funds, and all Singapore registered societies, companies, cultural and educational organisations were invited to submit their requests for financial support. All applications must be in alignment with the nation’s educational and cultural policies to raise the standards of Chinese language and promote Chinese culture. Furthermore, activities must have creative elements and should benefit a significant group of people.
Currently, there are two committees set up to facilitate the funding process. The Management Committee is responsible for auditing and approving the applications while the Selection Committee assists the Management Committee by handling applications and recommend selected programmes.
CLCF is set up by SFCCA and SCCCI. Two committees are set up to facilitate the funding process.
Management Committee
- Zhong Sheng Jian (SFCCA Vice-President, SCCCI Council Member)
Committee Members
- Pok Cheng Chong (SFCCA Deputy Secretary-General)
- Ho Khiam Seng (SFCCA Council Member, SCCCI Honorary Council Member)
- Heng Boey Hong (Director, Mother Tongue Languages Branch, Ministry of Education)
- Ang Fung Fung (SFCCA Deputy Treasurer, SCCCI Finance Committee Chairman)
- Lee Siew Li (Executive Director, SFCCA)
- Determine the scope of the Fund’s programme;
- Determine the rules and regulations of the Fund;
- Audit and approve the applications; and
- Set up Selection Committee to handle applications and recommend selected programmes
Selection Committee
- Lim Jim Koon (Media Veteran)
- Foo Tee Tuan (Director, Centre for Chinese Studies@Singapore University of Social Sciences & Chairman of Research Committee, SFCCA)
Committee Members
- Perng Peck Seng (Council Member, SFCCA)
- Chuang Cher Fang (Senior Executive Editor, MediaCorp Chinese Radio News)
- Wan Shung Ming (Property Committee Chairman, SFCCA)
- Kwek Hiok Chuang (Senior Consultant, Lee Kuan Yew Fund for Bilingualism)
- Ho Wee San Terence (Singapore Chinese Orchestra Company Limited Executive Director)
- Lee Ee Wurn (Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Programmes Director)
- Woo Mun Ngan (Lianhe Zaobao Associate Editor cum Fukan Editor)
- Lee Wee Heong (Deputy Director, Graduate Studies,Head & Chinese Studies (School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences @ Singapore University of Social Sciences))
Guidelines of Chinese Language and Culture Fund
1. Eligibility
- Applicants must be locally registered societies, companies (50% of the shares owned by Singaporeans or Singapore Permanent Residents) or educational institutions
- Eligible applications will be reviewed and evaluated on the following criteria:
- Conform to nation’s educational and cultural policies;
- Help to promote the standard of Chinese Language;
- Help to promote and develop Chinese culture;
- Presence of creative elements;
- Cause great impact and benefit a mass group of people
2. Funding
- The maximum approved funding amount will be a dollar for a dollar for each project, with up to 50% for manpower costs; 30% for basic infrastructure and hardware acquisitions.
- For large scale or long term projects, applicants should submit progress reports and financial reports periodically. Approved funds will be disbursed to successful applicants upon acceptance of project proposal for implementation or reimbursed based on the actual costs upon completion and submission of all project deliverables, and when all project requirements and objectives have been met.
- Proposals submitted must be written in Chinese language. The forms are downloadable from the website. Forms to be duly filled in and submitted to the Secretariat via email ( Any additional supporting documents may be mailed to the Secretariat.
Secretariat Address:
c/o Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations
397, Lorong 2 Toa Payoh,
Singapore 319639
Tel: 6643 6475
Fax: 6354 4095
3. The Fund application window will depend on commencement date of the project. All applications, including the application form, budget and supporting documents, must reach us by the respective closing date of the corresponding application window. Late submissions will not be entertained.
4. The Fund reserves the right not to disclose the reasons for disapproving an application.
5. The Committee reserves the right to withdraw or suspend the funding in full or in part if any of the terms and conditions are not complied with.
6. The Fund reserves the right to amend the guidelines at any moment.
7. The Management Committee has the final decision on the selection and approval.
When there is a difference between the Chinese version of the guidelines and the English version of the guidelines, the Chinese version of the guidelines shall take precedence.
2025 Application Deadlines

Together with CDAC, we provide short-term financial assistance to individuals who are facing financial hardship.
Eligibility Criteria
- Chinese Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident
- Monthly gross income not exceeding $2,400
Note: Application and type of assistance will be assessed and determined on a case-by-case basis.
Application / Enquiry
Applicants will be required to meet caseworker for an assessment with his/ her supporting documents.
For appointment or enquiry, please call us at 6603 5599 during office hours or email
Clan Associations Cultural Activities Fund
The “Clan Associations Cultural Activities Fund” is open to clan associations which need financial aid in organising Chinese cultural activities.
Terms and Conditions
- Only Ordinary Members of SFCCA are eligible to apply for the funding.
- The fund application window will depend on commencement date of the project. All applications, including the application form, budget and supporting documents, must reach us by the respective closing date of the corresponding application window.
- Applications for past projects will not be accepted.
- Projects seeking sponsorship must be for the purpose of promoting Chinese and clan cultures.
- Projects must be open to the public and benefit at least 100 participants.
- Each clan association may only apply for one funding per year.
- Projects organised by a single clan association can receive funding of up to 20% of actual expenses, capped at S$5000.
- Projects jointly organised by multiple clan associations can receive funding of up to 30% of actual expenses, capped at S$7,500.
- The grant will be disbursed after the event. Applicants must submit an event report, financial report, and supporting documents as proof.
SFCCA may at its discretion vary these terms and conditions.
SFCCA’s decision is final, and reserves the right to maintain confidentiality of the decision.
2025/26 Application Deadlines
Charitable Foundations Offering Funding/ Assistance
Wee Foundation
In 2008, then Chairman of United Overseas Bank and President of Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations, Mr Wee Cho Yaw, and his family set up the Wee Foundation with an initial S$30 million endowment. The charitable foundation focuses on education and welfare for the underprivileged, and on the promotion of the Chinese language and culture as well as social integration.
Correspondence Address
United Overseas Bank
80 Raffles Place
UOB Plaza 1
Singapore 048624
Lee Foundation
Lee Foundation was founded in 1952 by philanthropist and businessman Mr Lee Kong Chian. In line with its mission to give back to the society, the foundation provides aid for social welfare, as well as advancement of education (for underprivileged students, regardless of religion and nationality), medicine, and cultural activities. It also supports disaster relief efforts.
Correspondence Address
Lee Foundation
65 Chulia Street #44-01
OCBC Centre
Singapore 049513
The Community Integration Fund (CIF) was launched by the National Integration Council (NIC) in September 2009 to support organisations in implementing ground-up integration initiatives.
What does the CIF support?
Projects should satisfy at least one of the following objectives to be considered for CIF funding:
- Provide information and resources on Singapore
- Encourage social interaction between locals, immigrants and foreigners
- Encourage emotional attachment to and involvement in Singapore
- Promote a positive mindset towards integration
Who can apply?
Funding applications are open to:
- Singapore Registered Organisations
- Companies registered with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore (ACRA)
- Trade unions registered with the Registry of Trade Unions (RTU)
Individuals should apply through a registered organisation, company or trade union if they wish to apply for the CIF.
What type of projects can be funded?
The CIF supports a wide variety of projects:
- Festivals and celebrations
- Interest-based activities (sports, volunteerism, arts and culture)
- Learning journeys
- Forums, workshops or conferences
- Videos and publications
These examples are not exhaustive. Applicants are encouraged to come up with new ideas and consider innovative ways to promote integration. As a guide, NIC supports projects where integration of locals and foreigners is a major objective. Projects such as annual dinner and dances or corporate family days where integration outcomes are marginal, are less likely to receive funding or supported only at a low level.
Funding Amount
The amount of funding granted depends on how well each project is assessed to meet the CIF’s objectives. The CIF can provide co-funding of up to 80% of the total qualifying costs or the net qualifying costs of approved projects, whichever is lower. The maximum funding for a project is up to S$200,000. For more information and downloadable forms, please visit
The Community-in-Translation Events Grant (CiTEG) is a grant set up by the National Translation Committee (NTC) to bring together like-minded partners to raise awareness and interest in translation among our youths through various events.
Interested applicants can submit applications for translation-focused events featuring at least two of the following languages: English, Chinese, Malay and/or Tamil. We welcome applications from both individuals and organisations.
The grant will be capped at S$10,000 per application and can be used to offset approved actual expenses incurred in the organisation of the event(s) such as competitions, workshops or seminars.
Application period
Application Period | For Proposed Events which start in |
1 February to 31 March | July to December in the current year |
1 August to 30 September | January to June of the following year |
For more information, please visit
The Harmony Fund set up by Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) aims to encourage fresh ideas on promoting inter-racial and inter-religion harmony, by co-funding eligible projects submitted by individuals and non-profit organisations.
Applications should be submitted at least eight weeks before the project start date.
Successful applicants can receive up to 80% of supported project expenditure, capped at $100,000. Specific funding levels would vary based on the merits of each project.
For more information, please visit OurSG Grants Portal.
The Presentation and Participation Grant from National Arts Council (NAC) aims to enable a wide range of arts practitioners and organisations to continue to present quality arts activities and work that express and enrich our artistic diversity, as well as increase arts appreciation and participation in Singapore.
The grant supports the production and presentation costs of the following types of projects in the Performing, Visual, Literary or Multi-Disciplinary art-forms:
- Performances/ Exhibitions
- Art Form Publications
- Music EPs
- Festivals/ Conferences
For more information on the Presentation and Participation Grant, please visit OurSG Grants Portal.
The National Youth Fund (NYF) supports ground-up youth initiatives to champion community and social causes through partnerships with Youth Sector Organisations (YSO) including youth social enterprises, schools, Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) and other community partners.
The NYF supports:
- Youth Programmes – Programmes for youths or by youths that contribute towards youth leadership development, engagement of young working adults and the growth of youth interest groups or social movements, or enhancement of current youth related programmes.
- Capability Development – Projects that strengthen an organisation’s capabilities and capacities. This includes the development of the respective organisation’s internal capabilities in the areas of research, resource or programme development and manpower.
- Youth Leadership Development – Outstanding youth leaders who wish to pursue training and development in reputable local and international platforms with the intent of leading community projects/initiatives or starting new positive social movements; and
- Research – Projects that deepen the understanding of salient youth issues or trends.
Interested youths/ organisations may submit applications online via OurSG Grants Portal.
Our Singapore Fund (OSF) is created to support meaningful projects by passionate Singaporeans that build national identity or meet social and community needs.
Open to individuals as well as organisations, the OSF applications should be submitted at least 8 weeks before the project start date. Successful applications may receive funding of up to 80% of supported costs, subject to a maximum of $20,000 a year, per project. The approved project must be completed within 12 months from the date of acceptance of the Form of Agreement.
For more information, please visit or OurSG Grants Portal.