Teochew Guided Tours
Every weekend in July, Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan and the Singapore Teochew Heritage Society have jointly arranged six special guided tours in Teochew for all to bring along your parents, relatives and friends to tour the special exhibits at the National Museum of Singapore or Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall. You may also choose to join the special curated walking tour titled “The Teochews of Kreta Ayer” to visit various Teochew institutions along the Bukit Pasoh Road stretch and learn more about the culture and activities of the Teochews in that area.
Each guided tour is approximately an hour long. Owing to space limitations, each guided tour can only receive 10 visitors. Please register early to avoid disappointment!
This session is complimentary and open to fully vaccinated participants only.
Registration URL: https://forms.gle/PnMVVgL4w2zHZaNTA